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  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (Other)

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Actually, at the end, I left the pan flute there on purpose because I really liked how mellow it sounds with the pan flute there.
  2. Thanks. I'm glad you like it.
  3. Wow, thanks. That means a lot. I'm stoked you liked this so much. Thanks
  4. Although there is more editing needing to be done, this is what I have so far. I have altered some dynamics as well as brought out some more parts, making them more lifelike. Changed out the choir sound for a more realistic sound. Yadda yadda yadda XD http://tindeck.com/listen/gpjg
  5. Alright with a little more work, and more work needing to be done, this is what I have so far. http://tindeck.com/listen/nvsu Oh, on this one, I didn't fade out in the end. I'm just going to wait until the final version before fading out like I had planned.
  6. DARN YOU!!!!! I wish I would have ready this before I started working on the song again. I just got to working on it again and I'm saving. As for the climaxes and whatnot. Not all songs will start of soft and just grow louder. There are many times where they get loud and then really soft again.I know. I've played in an orchestra before. As for the bells....hmm. To be honest, I actually like the tone in them and how they aid the melody in the quieter parts of the tune. Hmm...let me listen over it again, I'll repost the song tomorrow and see what you think there. I have added a part in the middle.
  7. Hey, thanks. Yeah, I understand what you said about the flute. I did have a trumpet sound, but I really didn't like how it sounded, so I went with the pan flute which sounded a little bit better. Thank you very much for the compliment.
  8. This is my arrangement of Crook's Castle. I like to call it Kastle of K. Rook. I'me changed this song up quite a few times. Messed with tempo, instruments, and volume. This is the best it has sounded so far, in my opinion. http://tindeck.com/listen/loip Here's the original track:
  9. Really? I haven't heard any crackling on my end. I can try and lower the volume. Won't be easy though, with the way I have it set up XD But thanks for the compliment. Oh, and I edited my previous post
  10. I've gone through and made a few more changes on this song as well as the volume for certain parts to give it more emphasis. This song is an arrangement of Hearthome City and Route 209 from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. http://tindeck.com/listen/ctho Let me know what you think about this. I really feel good about this one and am planning on submitting this one really soon. Hearthome City - Route 209 -
  11. Yes, I see what you mean, but I intended it to have the repetitive feel mainly because a lot of the old video game songs had that repetitive feel to it. I do appreciate your compliment ^^
  12. Thanks. I really thought I did pretty well on this song, but not this well XD
  13. Wow, thank you very much! This is the best comment I've had so far on anything. I'm trying to make my music sound better and better. I mean, I have posted my music remixes before in the remix part...and I think you've commented on one of them before. But thanks again!
  14. Oh yeah. Duh! I forgot about how you can practically find everything on youtube XD But yeah, since I was going for a more orchestral feel, I wasn't intending for and kick basses and whatnot, but just a tympani and common snare. I do like bass for a lot of music, but, in my opinion of orchestral music, I don't want the bass too loud, otherwise it will swallow up the main melody and harmony of the music. But anyway, I am glad you liked this piece. Thank you for your comments ^^
  15. Thank you for your comment and taking the time to listen. As for the source, I don't know where I can find one because when I made this, I was just listening to the music from the game over and over again, trying to pick out the right chords and stuff, even though it's not in the same key, but again, thank you. ^^
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