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Everything posted by landonpt

  1. I've made some progress in overworld area themes, probably because ambient stuff is most readily available, but could always use more. Now what I really need are some rockin battle tracks. Also could use 3 short tracks symbolizing victory, loss, and retreat.
  2. Thanks, I haven't even compiled a list of dungeons yet. That's content that will be worked on when a number of other items are completed. When I was creating the game area, I made entrances to 2 caves, 3 buildings within the stronghold including the castle itself, and various buildings scattered across the land. There's three major 'bad guy' landmarks that will be enterable as well, I have not determined the makeup of their interiors yet.
  3. I've asked in the dev forums: http://forum.developers.facebook.com/viewtopic.php?pid=143688#p143688 But who knows if/when I'll get a response. I guess for now I will add the disclaimer don't contribute anything that you don't want facebook to have non-exclusive rights to use. To address something you said though, if some random guy contacts facebook and tells them something is copyrighted and that I don't have permission to use it, they'd have to provide proof of this. This can be difficult if not impossible if they are not the copyright holder themselves, and most game companies don't devote resources to snuffing out song copyright violations, otherwise would there even be an ocremix? I don't want to use someone else's work without their permission for sure, but I am not worried about square coming after me
  4. If you can't make money off of something then you also can't copyright it. That would imply that I could take any songs from this site that have copyrighted source material and the infringement would be against the game company who owns the game's IP in which the music appeared. 'other stuff edited out' edit: Ok here's this: http://musicappreciation.suite101.com/article.cfm/music_arranging_and_copyright Ok so weird al conveniently gets to go around copyright law, that's pretty cheesy, but anyways. I wonder how much actual material has to be used to require permission, I mean do rappers always pay the original artists for the samples that make up parts of their songs? If so that just blows my mind lol.
  5. Yeah that may only apply to media I actually upload to their servers. Since it would be hosted externally, and the code that displays it also external and only 'called' by their application platform, I'm thinking it can't apply, but yeah I'll get back to you on that. Note ocremix has a similar clause. Existing tracks or those which have been licensed to others non-exclusively already are welcome. Just need some decent tracks to go with the game, and it's really tough to find that sort of thing.
  6. I can't give them any rights you don't allow me to. I'm going to ask them for clarification on this from facebook though. Zephyr~ - I don't know if you have a facebook but you can go to the app right now, it's live, it's been approved for the application directory at facebook, and the base aspects are developed. In the future I will add dungeons, quests, npcs, and story. Right now it's more of a freeform explore, fight and progress game.
  7. It might have some ads on transitional pages at some point, so I'm really stuck in the crappy part of being "commercial use" since I really don't expect to even recoup hosting fees, but I can't predict how well it will end up doing. Anyways, I looked around at tracks I could purchase for commercial use, but the stuff here is way better in general, and I can't be spending 30+ dollars per piece of music, I don't have the budget. I've emailed 3 artists from here specifically, so hopefully they will reply, but I'm posting this so maybe some other artists would like to contribute to my game. In return I can add a credit and link in the credits section of the Game Manual. The places music plays are on the navigation screen (overworld themes), during battle, and eventually I want separate pieces for dungeons the player can enter. You can find the app here: apps.facebook.com/thewasteland You can contact me at landonpt@yahoo.com or post here I'll be checking it regularly.
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