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Destruction of the Seal

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Posts posted by Destruction of the Seal

  1. Hey hey...I'm currently working on a remix for the "Subterranean Caverns" level in Goldeneye N64. It's pretty much still a work in progress, but I would like some feedback on your opinion on how the track is going thus far :razz:.

    This is my first post on OC, and also my first video game remix ever...So with that in mind, I know that there are still a lot of things that I need to work on such as dynamics, more guitar solos, and switching up the drums a bit more instead of following the ones from the original.

    WIP Remix: http://adamantia.net/remixes/Cavernas_De_La_Muerte.mp3

    Alternate Link to Remix: http://www.thesixtyone.com/destructionoftheseal/song/Cavernas+De+La+Muerte+%28Goldeneye+N64%3A+Caverns%29/57048/

    Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJ7hc89EeEQ

    Thanks in advance. :)

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