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Black Waltz

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Posts posted by Black Waltz

  1. So I'm not really sure what to think about those new Pyro changes. I was saving up metal to finish out the Attendant set for myself, but now I'm not sure it's worth it. Doesn't look like the increased run speed will be worth the extra incoming damage at this point.

    Don't forget that all those changes are for the TF2 Beta.

  2. I agree that properly shaming trolls produces wonderful feelings of schadenfreude. However, I am honestly unsure of the point where trolls stop being amusing and start being annoying to the detriment of the server experience. Is it when someone complains? Just don't feed them? I'm still kind of uncomfortable with throwing the banhammer around without a really good reason. <.<;

    Firefox recognizes schadenfreude as a word. This makes me happy.

    If it gets to the point where we have to Steam message an admin, you should probably kick/ban 'em.

  3. I've yet to figure out why, but my TF2's started graphically stuttering, rendering itself unplayable, after a few minutes of playing on either of the OCR servers. Strangely enough, this problem doesn't manifest at all if I stay in spectator mode, but it starts off significantly worse if I start playing after having spectated for a while.

    I'm trying to figure out what's going on, and I've been hearing a few other people having similar/identical issues lately. Anyone know what's up?

    I don't know if I'm on the same boat as you, but recently I've been getting random dips in FPS for no apparent reason. It'll be like a steady 120 FPS then it drops to 17 and jets back up again. Happens when I stare at walls as well.

  4. So I did what I used to think was impossible and managed to make
    on the family computer of my demos from the Highlander tournament. Only took three hours to upload...not that I'm bitter... On a related note, I'll be back at college (and good computers/internet) on Sunday. I know you all miss my acupuncture. :3

    Fun fact: The music in the video started playing on my music player at more or less the same time I started watching it in full once I finished. Hilarity ensued.

    EDIT: To the person who said "You're playing Spy, the class is all about dick moves," you have my eternal gratitude for such an exploitable soundbite. (Was it D-Dub?)

    I believe it was Thunder who said it? Probably wrong though.

  5. People were telling me that my tree hat was acting weird on a different server I was on yesterday, so I stopped wearing it.

    I got the Festive Tree hat for my first crate.

    In fact, to date, of 4 festive crates I've opened, I've gotten 3 hats...

    I got a JAG with my free key. FFFUUUUUUUU-

  6. We tried the mirror maps tonight.

    In my opinion, they suck. Badly. Just stick with the stock versions.

    cp_temple wasn't that popular either.

    cp_biodome might show some promise, though...

    I don't think we played the last one.

    temple was AWFUL.

    The mirror maps were fun for a bit but got old fast.

    biodome was decent. It looked really nice too.

  7. TF Wiki says it does 35 average damage, but the first time you hit someone with it, it does an extra 150ish damage.

    Anyway, on a different subject...

    Right now, cp_degrootkeep runs for the normal 30 minutes. Given how short its rounds are, I was wondering if we should shorten that to 20 minutes or maybe even 15 minutes?

    Also, people mentioned adding customs, but I don't recall anyone actually giving any suggestions... so... give us suggestions!

    15 sounds good to me.

  8. had a great time tonight on the OCR killing floor server. Frogg, Fireslash and a few others took some time to put down some zombies........

    It probably should have its own thread fairly soon.

    Was a good time, and i achieved my first medic perk by mostly healing Fireslash......

    ooh please let me know if you guys are short a member; i would love to join you.

  9. Is RUSE any good? At least from a single player perspective?

    Also, anyone here like Alien Swarm? I'm looking to play with some of you if you do. I dislike playing with random people generally. I played it some when it came out (pretty much to get the hat), but then just went back to playing TF2. So yeah, LFG to play Alien Swarm with :D

    I will play with you after finals as well (Dec 17).

  10. Five nights in fabulous Ft. Meade, MD at the Brushfire House Spa and Resort. Fine Dining and relaxed atmosphere await you in the Nerd Room, a 5-Star Rated hotel surrounding you with serveral hundred large breasted Anime Women. Enjoy luxurious 25 MBit High Speed Internet. Shotime, HBO, Cinemax, and Starz included!! HOT POCKETS!!

    I'm coming over for hot pockets.

    Also, are we going to try out the beta? Maybe on RED?

  11. I see people get banned for swearing, just out of curiosity, what amounts of swearing constitutes to a ban? There is one person in particular that I constantly see tossing the f-word at people.

    I assume that using swearing as a method for personal attacks against other players can get you banned. But just saying "OH FUCK" when FROGG pops up with a Kritz around the corner is acceptable.

  12. has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like

    Seriously, I can't parse this.

    You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It's just common sense.

  13. This is a Team 1 announcement, more a PSA than anything but still important and slightly lulzy.

    As already mentioned, we got slapped with a default time that we can hopefully work around. However, even if we get our time of 10PM EST tomorrow, it has come to my attention that Team 2 also has a match tomorrow, also on the Highlander server, at 9:30PM EST. I shouldn't have to explain how this is more than slightly awkward.

    I'm trying to get in touch with [uGLY], but the ETF2L site is throwing bad gateway errors. (Again.) With any luck we can a) agree on a time other than the default given to us and B) reschedule to a half hour to an hour later and not run into Team 2's time.

    I can get in touch with my team's opponents and see if we can play on their server. I'll let you know if we can migrate.

  14. Hmmm neither mine nor Brush's screens show the final score for upwards. Anyone got a screenie of when the scoreboard showed 2-2?

    EDIT: Ok well for some reason it shows us as having 1 win, 1 draw. I wasn't sure how to indicate that we won on upward 2-2 because we beat the time, but I guess it appears as a draw. Anyone know how to contact an admin to get it fixed so we have 2 wins?

    EDIT2: nvm got it all sorted out.

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