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Fish Knight

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Posts posted by Fish Knight

  1. Oh, about the remixing issue of who one can remix - here's a list of artists that you can (subject to change without notice, personal injuries for body and mind possible); 180, 190´, 200, 270, 290, .3k, Omega, Z, ZZ, Re-Venge / RevenG, De-Sire, 8-bit, 2MB, Naoki, Naoki Underground, mitsu-O! and Luv Unlimited.

    Naoki Maeda = win (There's also KTZ, NM, and many other names he goes by. @.@ )

    Anyway, I see this as not so much a song to play DDR to as a song to just listen to. Maybe it would be good as a credits theme or something, but other than that it probably strays farther from the original than any other DDR remix I've heard. This is a nice change.

    Do an orion.78 remix! :D

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