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  1. I'm not a public player so this makes no sense. My attitude = trying to help you guys by saying this guy is probably lying, but instead I get seen as a troll cuz I have a low post count. So a native speaker of english is supposed to understand this as you not being in a competitive dota team? lol... Anyway, I'm done posting in this thread. Seems like most people here don't like to read actual words. Have fun with HON, DotA and whatever else you decide to play. However please do not be blinded by ignorance as you won't get any better.
  2. Trolling is dumb. I'm a long time irl friend of Donut's. I didn't register to troll this guy as is apparent from my register date. He simply sent me this thread to laugh at and I called out this guy because he's spouting bs and likely to teach new players [ like you have admitted ] the wrong way to approach things. He invited you for ' good social or competitive games ' There's no point in skewing a new player's view to what ' good ' actually is. I mean wouldn't you like to learn good habits from the get-go? Playing with someone lying about their skill is probably not a good way to go about that.
  3. So you're saying it would be ok if I came in here and started proclaiming I was one of the best remixers of game music? The most followed? Highly recognized? I think the point of a post is to say what you mean to say, not ' here are some words put together in sentences..but I don't really mean any of it, you should just derive the idea i'm trying to say, don't focus on any of the actual words ' No I didn't randomly join to talk smack. He isn't helping you if he's lying to you.
  4. Ok. I will expound: Why are you blatantly lying by saying ' Our clan is based on the premise of good attitude >>>>> skill even though we are one of the better clans in terms of competitive play as well. ' If you aren't lying you are completely ignorant, which just means you shouldn't talk about things you don't know. The only other option is you worded your post very poorly, in which case you should amend it or say that you didn't mean to come off as one of the better clans in terms of competitive play. There is no clan nor team going by any of the names/tags [iXi] The NegativeOnes that are highly skilled in competitive dota. On any continent. Maybe a player list would help if you'd like to continue saying your team is one of the better clans in terms of competitive play. I'll wait.
  5. bullshit. [ 10 character limit wat ]
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