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Everything posted by Seikilos

  1. Hey all, I'm currently working on a soundtrack for an entire Zelda fan game, the "Minish Cap 2" and would appreciate feed back on my work so far. Not all of it is remixed, a lot is actually original, and I'm sure most of you who listen will be able to recognize Koji Kondo's writing from mine. His is the good stuff. The songs are: Hyrule Field Theme (Nearly direct quote in the middle, just a little different in the counter melody) Boss Battle Phase One Intro (Music music music.... BOSS' NAME, then the real music) Boss Battle Phase One (The real boss music) Adventurer's Spring (Originally, yes, but now I'm going to use it for a sky city) Shop Tune (Pitz strings sound funny... anyone know how to improve this in Logic Pro?) Graveyard (Minamalist, and repetitive) Shadow Temple (That wants to be a metal temple... but isn't allowed to) All of the songs ore intended to loop, so none of them really end. Thanks! Songs are here! Purevolume.com
  2. The first remix that I've actually "finished." I've been playing around with the software (Logic Pro) for a while and think I've finally produced something decent. This is a remix of Ilia's theme from The Legend of Zelda - The Twilight Princess and is arranged for a percussion ensemble using bells/crystal, marimba, vibraphone, cymbals and triangle, and xylophone (in order of appearance). Also, some rain effects were added in, just for fun. Please listen, even though it's a little long! Ilia's Remix Thanks
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