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The Eluryahn

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Posts posted by The Eluryahn

  1. Interviews work. I think that an evaluation of the winning songs would be good. IDK who would host those evaluations, but they could look at theme, use of source, etc.

    Perhaps in the interviews with the contestants the host could ask a bit about their background, not going into life stories, but enough to let us get to know each other a bit. Perhaps mention the genres you like, or your favorite OCR artists, things like that.

  2. Just to make sure, it's okay if the game was released over ten years ago, even if it has since been uploaded to something like Steam or re-released on the PS3 network? There are a couple games I'm looking at, but they have been released as a download on the networks sometime in the 2000's.

    EDIT: Also, if it must be at least 10 years old, that means some games from GameCube qualify. I suddenly feel old.

    Would Skies of Arcadia count? "On December 26, 2002, an enhanced port, Skies of Arcadia Legends was released in Japan for the GameCube. It was subsequently released in North America on January 27, 2003. . ." ~Wikipedia. Technically it was first released on December 26 just over ten years ago.

  3. Yeah, I thought they stuck out a bit, too. It had reverbed that section to a point I where liked it. But I didn't write down what the parameters were, and so I had to try to duplicate it and it didn't work as well the 2nd time.

    But yes, I thought it was time for a 'Find Your Way' mix, too. There are a few songs from popular games that I think get overlooked.

    I just want to say that this was a lot of fun. I would do it next month, but it's NaNoWriMo, and I'm gonna try for a 3rd novel.

    Also, thank you, Gario. You gave me some great pointers.

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