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Fields of blue

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. It seems that everyone I can think of to contact about this issue, including Baha, is outright ignoring me. I really didn't realize I was so strongly hated among the TF2 players of OCR and I'm disappointed because of how much I enjoyed playing with you guys. I guess I'm stuck with the ban in TF2 purgatory for now.
  2. Hey guys! First of all I'd like to say that I love your TF2 server. The regular players are always entertaining and fun to play with and so far I haven't had any real bad experiences there with other players. In fact, I play fairly regularly with the OCR members such as Bahamut, Chadly, Hish, Rambo, Scytheful and others. I was just playing as usual the other day when I noticed the time and logged of for the night. I came back today, 7/20/09, and found that my steam ID has apparently been banned from the server. Naturally I've been sitting around scratching my head trying to imagine why; as far as I know I've never stepped on any toes or started any conflicts with other players so I'm pretty well in the dark as to why. So if there is some legitimate reason I was kicked I would very much appreciate knowing what that reason is and if this is some sort of mix up I would greatly appreciate allowance back in. Either way, I hope to see some of you guys around again soon.
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