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Posts posted by ZaxCG2

  1. Sup guys. This is ZaxCG2 otherwise known as Zax... or my less extreme name Zach. (Everything is extreme when you put an x on it).

    I've been hanging around the site for the wealth of like 6 or 7 years I want to say... I would come here, listen to some good music, download the tracks I like. It wasn't until last weekend during my first time at Otakon, an anime convention in Baltimore, that I realized I would like to start getting into the community more.

    The OC Remix panel there was a blast... pretty much the highlight of my whole weekend there. It was then that I realized that I should try and give back to the site which I've held on to for so long and buy a few T-shirts! Instead of grabbing some and moving on, though, I was cut off and ended following a group led by liontamer all the way down 4 stories of the convention center to a booth (apparently you could only sell things in a certain room?). I'm very glad I followed though, because it gave me a chance to chat with everyone from the panel and get my shirt signed by anyone I could find. :D Can't believe I got to meet djpretzel, too!

    So yeah, everyone from OC Remix that I met, I just want to say thanks for being awesome. It was nice talking to you all!

    Also, the FFIV album is so amazing. It was really enjoyable listening to it on my trip home! Kudos to everyone and anyone who worked on it!

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