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  1. thx for your help everyone. and i will take the suggestions in your post big giant circles. The info about my rig: AMD Dual Core 3500+ (3.4 GHz I think) 4 GB DDR2 Ram 300 GB Disk Space About the type of music I want to make, it varies from day to day. I move from classical orchestra music (my favorite) to simple hip-hop beats to even Chinese and Indian music (I love sitars). Based on this information, any DAW that you recommend. I know that Yoozer said investing in a keyboard and turn the knobs while playing, but I still would enjoy big giant circles' recommendations of an all-on-the-computer solution. Yes my budget is let's say up to 10,000 U.S. dollars as long as the software is somewhat popular and there will be decent customer support or forums for it. Thanks and btw, I will definitely use zzounds when buying something.
  2. thx for the reply dusk. yea, i'm looking for a software which doesnt require me to plug in live instruments. i simply want to "draw" the notes. i've also heard of pitch bending and would like to have it in the software. thx, and still waiting for the vets
  3. Hi everyone! I've heard some awesome things about this community and my friend recommened me to this place saying that there are some really knowledgable gurus here. I can't wait to be a part of this forum. Up till now, I've been using Magix Music Maker. It's not exactly professional, but I really only used the sampler (changing up the sf2 soundfonts inside it) and the percussion instruments provided with the software. As you all know, this software's sound quality isnt top notch and it doesn't have too many features. So my question is this: Which music creation software is the best for me? I've looked everywhere for the answers but I cant seem to find them. The requirements are: *I'm disabled and only have one hand. Because I cant play real live instruments, I need virtual samplers to create melodies which can be the basis for my tunes. If the sampler has pitch-bending, even better! *Somewhat good interface. I'm willing to spend weeks and months to learn the program but I have no musical education. So I'm looking for a powerful software but I cant afford to go back to school for it * UNLIMITED BUDGET! This is a once-in-a-life investment so I'm willing to shell out the money for a good valuable program. Where better to get advice than from the people who mastered these programs? Thanks and glad to be here.
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