Greetings OCR, long time listener/lurker, first time poster here.
We are a group of hackers and 3D artists working on an indie game project. Recently, our university has acquired a license, an SDK and development tools for the PlayStation3 platform. Our group intends to create an experimental RTS game, with an AI driven universe.
We are looking for musicians who want the following;
- exposure to game development.
- eager to share their music as part of a game experience.
- fan of Robert Heinlein, Orson Scott Card, William Gibson, Neal Stephenson, Isaac Asimov.
- well versed in piano, electronica, and a little bit of game design.
- willing to work in an indie team, with members from Europe and South America.
Our group needs to develop the following, within a year;
- musical score for various game events.
- transition effects, sound libraries.
- music that fits in very well with space-opera style science fiction.
We intend to submit this project to the various games festivals (IGF, PAx10 and others). This project is also a track requirement for graduating seniors at UCSC's computer game design major. Our project has a one year development cycle, which includes prototyping, development, beta testing. We also have an agreement with Sony, who has rights to see the work firsthand. If the project has commercial viability, and a good user base, Sony intends to ship the game into the market.
Thanks for reading. If you have any further inquiries, feel free to contact me :
slade at soe dot ucsc dot edu
Slade Villena
Hacker : A.I., Operating Systems, Game Engines
PS3 Developer Lab, UC Santa Cruz