The NES is playing most of the sounds on the tracks, but there are some patches in Ableton Live on certain ones that I wanted to flesh out. The visuals are coming out of the NES cart as well, and are based on the data coming into the Nintendo. Triumph has a crunchy FM bass patch toward the end, just because I love that Sega bass sound so hard. Hopefully the guy that's working on a Genesis MIDI cartridge will complete it and start selling, because I'll be in a whole new world if I can implement a Sega in my set.
The album is free and released under Creative Commons Non-Commercial Attribution Share-Alike, which means anyone is free to remix or mashup the tracks as long as they credit me somehow. I don't even really care about that, I just want to get my sounds out to as many ears as possible. Spread the word if your friends would dig it, and add me wherever you can find Active Knowledge (Facebook, Myspace, etc. etc.)
Thanks for all the positive feedback, cheers!