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Posts posted by kaliko

  1. Hallo out there. Sorry if this has been posted elsewhere, my tired eyes tried to look and came up unsuccessful. I've been wanting to get started making chip tune style music & remixes for a while but I've lacked the time and resources. I now have the time, but I'm not sure where to start ^^;;

    I'm running 10.6.2 on a 1.83 Ghz Macbook with 2 GB of RAM... I have no other music making tools besides Garageband. What kind of software should I look for? (Would garage band work?) I'd like to invest in a midi keyboard, but I lack the funds at the moment *sigh* This shouldn't be a problem tho should it? What else should I do to get myself rolling? Can you suggest anything else you would've liked to know when you were starting out?

    Any posting of resources or helpful threads... or anything really is greatly appreciated :<

  2. Hola! I've only just found out about this site from Gamecon but I am full of happys from the discovery! I listen to game soundtracks often and think its awesome thats there's such a strong community supporting creative efforts like this! I very much hope to be able to contribute my own songs at some point :)

    Right now I'm working part time at anime conventions all over the US and just trying to find a niche for myself somewhere while making ends meet. I previously managed an internet cafe in an apple repair shop but the economy stomped out my dreams there :-x I currently am working off a 1.83ghz macbook and hope that I can find mac-specific help in the forums somewhere while I still don my nooblet rank ^^;;; I'm also wondering where I'll be pulling the game sounds from, but I'm sure I can find that out with a lil poking around here.

    I think thats enough rambling for now hehe Love peace n chicken grease OC <3

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