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Everything posted by TheJackalsPaw

  1. Jeup, thanks for all the replies and input! =) Hopefuly I'll get a bit more enlightned at the.. What's the word in english, try(ial)-lesson?. It's not like I don't want to be able to play Jazz.. That'd be awesome.. Oh, and one last thing.. One of the greatest scores ever made.. You can't change my mind on this one.. : Howard Shore - (very random indeed..) Favorite OCR's: Mahabharath Highlands The Ballad of Sir Kibbles Island of Edges Frame of Mind
  2. Sorry, but I ddn't get any of that.. Jeremy Soule was just an example. I also like Jack Wall and Christophe Herald, I'm a huge fan of Howard Shores work on Lord of the Rings, like Hanz Zimmer too, I'm also a great fan of Jazz whether what sub genre it is, I like Sting, Simply Red, on and on. Must say I don't agree on the "If you can't find *any* Beethoven that you like, you just haven't developed much as a musician yet." thing.. I guess you could say music is like food sometimes.. Why do I not like Oliven? I don't know, but jesus it tastes like hell! I don't find Beethoven as something that sounds good in my ear, period. That doesn't make me a under developed musician? However that doesn't mean I can let me inspire from his works, learn from it or even take joy in playing it. Three Wise men by James Blunt is good - Would I listen to it while sitting at my computer? No - Why not? Because I'd be listening to Sting as I like his songs the better. It's not like I'm condemning Beethoven. Or Mozart. I do like this though: (I just youtubed it.. )Anyhow, I'll be taking the "Classical" course. Hopefully I'll be good at piano, and be able to play the notesheet and chords when performing in that jazz bar downtown. Thanks again for all the input, appreciate it! (..you did talk a bit too much about classical music though.. All I really asked was what you remixers out there (those with remixes on this site) had choosen back in your days. ) Thanks again!
  3. thanks for the all the replies, really appreciate it - but I don't feel as though you really answered my question I'm a big admire of Jeremy Soule, Film & Games Soundtracks. I'm hoping to sometime in the future to do a OCREMIX. Which course would be the best? Which one did you choose? Ecetera... or whatever it's called.. As for your confusion Schwaltzvald, Bethooven's and Mozarts music and Jeremy Soules music are two VERY different things.. (As far as i'm concerned) Everybody dance now! xD -Jackals
  4. So, after thousands of years I've finally found a Piano Teacher and I'm ready to embark on the Music Journey of the Piano - However, he asked me "So, do you want to do the Classical or Rhytmic course?". Now, I'm asking all you great remixers out there who played/s the piano. Which course did you choose? I love film & games music with all my heart, and one day - hope to do some remix here Now, I would think that taking Classical would make you the better piano player. It's more tough, you learn to really use all your fingers and at the same time a whole lot of Theory. On the other hand, I hate Beethoven and all those big classical dudes.. I'm a great admire of Jeremy Soule. So, lemme hear what you have to say !
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