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Posts posted by kage49

  1. Thanks Rozovian,

    Yes the weird compression artifact is what I was talking about, soundcloud did something I guess, it's not in the mp3 I uploaded.

    I tried fixing the transition at 1:35, will upload soon.

    I was surprised you didn't recognize Magus' theme.. It's note for note starting at 0:30 onwards. I was actually afraid it would be considered to close to original material..

    Thanks for the kind words :)

  2. First post edited.

    Like I said before, I totally scrapped the last file and redid everything.


    It's the first part, Fiendlord's Keep + Magus Confront, then it's supposed to transition into Manoria but I still didn't start with that so I cut it short.

    I still need to fiddle with the equalizers and try to use more articulations for realism.

    Note: soundcloud messed up my file between 0:30-0:40, the original mp3 didn't have that distortion....

    Let me know what you think.

  3. Thanks for the kind words SciRe,

    Regarding the submission part, I won't be composing any new material, except for secondary melodies, accompaniments and transitions... maybe a solo somewhere?

    I've read the rules for submission, but the thing is, I don't want to stray far from the original material, I'd like to think of this as original game music being adapted for orchestra. If that stops it from being accepted, no biggie, but if it does get accepted I'll know I did something worthwhile.

    In the end it's a learning project for me so I'll be happy to have come out of this with better skills than what I have right now :)

  4. Is this really the first orchestration you've ever put together? You're off to a very good start.

    Thanks Moseph. But I've been fiddling with just this one track for months now :)

    I'm not sure if the "off" aspect that I hear is the same one you're talking about, but everything sounds very distant and muffled to me. I think this is more of a mixing/production issue than an orchestration issue. You might lighten up the reverb a bit and/or use a different reverb unit.

    You're right, I went overboard with the reverb; I guess I was too afraid the instruments would sound too fake if they got any closer to the listener. I'll fix this.

    Regarding orchestration:

    The oboe (or is it an English horn?) at 0:50 sounds too strident to me. You may want to either lower the velocity of the samples or change the instrument. A clarinet would probably work well in that range.

    The low strings could stand to be louder in places, especially the sections beginning at 1:02 and 2:00.

    I think french horns doubling the background strings from 1:14-1:25 would sound really nice.

    Everything just kind of stops at the end. I think the solution would be as simple as adding a full orchestra stab where everything cuts out (2:23).

    I agree on all points. Will keep them in mind once I re-arrange.

    I don't know if you plan to submit this to OCR or not, but if you do, the judges will probably want it to be longer.

    I think I will. I've decided to add "The Fiendlord's Keep" and "Manoria Cathedral" to the arrangement for more variety/length.

    I think I'll restart the file from scratch; I'll focus on the orchestration/arrangement first, then move on to mixing once I'm happy with it.

    Again, thanks for the detailed feedback and help, Moseph.

  5. Edit 5: Ok, finalized and submitted. Thanks for all your comments and help guys :)

    This is the final file: http://soundcloud.com/kage49/magus-and-his-cathedral/download


    Edit 4: Any comments are welcome, I'm worndering if I can submit it like this.


    Edit 3: Finished I guess.. let me know what you think.



    Edit 2: Added Manoria portion, fixed a few parts:



    Edit: Latest effort:


    It's the first part, Fiendlord's Keep + Magus Confront, then it's supposed to transition into Manoria but I still need to work on it so I cut it short.


    Hey all,

    I'm new to music in general, just got into it some months back. I was interested in orchestration specifically, so I thought I'd start learning and practicing at the same time. I chose Chrono Trigger's Magus Confronted.

    To be honest I'm not happy with what I got. I tried a few things here and there but I think I still keep doing the same mistakes again and again. So I was hoping if some of you here can point out what makes this piece sound so .. "off". I'd appreciate any criticism.


    Fire away.

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