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Posts posted by TheWhiteHowler

  1. Thanks for the replies ^_^

    First off, no I did NOT download any of these illegally... I have demos for the time being until I can afford to purchase them. Thankfully I have a keyboard I can use, which I'm fairly certain I'm going to need.

    And... I know I can't just jump in, I hadn't intended to post a new remix tomorrow! lol! I know I need to learn the programs first, and that is why I've posted here... though the topic moved, oops sorry about that. Anywho thanks for the info, I'll get started on learning these programs right away!

    I've done this sort of thing before, but it was a PS2 game called E-Jay Clubworld (which kind of sucked but I know the basics). How to actually make the music is my problem... arranging, editing, and altering the music is something I know how to do.

    In any case, thanks again for the replies and the help! Hopefully within the next few months I'll be able to start becoming a part of the remixing community!

  2. I've downloaded many of the programs I might need, as well as some soundfonts. I have Reaper, Synth, Audacity, SFZ (I think tthat's what it's called), and I'm now downloading Fruityloops.

    Anyway, my question is this: How do I start using the soundfonts to create music? Do I need a virtual keyboard? I've loaded the soundfonts using SFZ and saved them, then loaded them through Reaper but it doesn't seem to work. I think I'm just having issues getting used to the software. If anyone could help I'd greatly appreciate it! I wanna get started remixing, but I suppose I'll have to learn the prgrams first >.< Der... lol but seriously, just the basics and I think I can take it from there ^_^

  3. Hello all, I've been listening to OCR's for a long time now, back when this site was still just getting started and there weren't even 500 songs yet. Aahh bring back memories =)

    Anywho, I signed up for the forums because I want to try remixing myself, or give it a shot at least. I've wanted to remix since I first discovered this site, and I guess now it's finally time to try!

    Nice to meet everyone ^_^

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