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Chestnut Dreamer

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Posts posted by Chestnut Dreamer

  1. oooh, I like. I'm listening to this for the first time, it's 4:13am in the morning and although my brain is mostly dead I'm nodding my head and tapping my feet and damn this is catchy. It makes me want to choreograph a motorbike chase scene for a movie JUST to suit this music.

    I picked up 'Hurry Faster', 'Fighting', 'Crazy Motorcycle'... there wasn't really much of Bombing Mission, if at all :/ maybe this has not been labeled properly?

  2. Hey guys, glad to finally be apart of the community :)

    I've been a stalker of the OC Remix website for a couple o' years now, and thought it was finally time to join the forums and attempt to make a contribution to some of the awesome, fantastic, brilliant work here, if I can.

    Note that in a year I'll probably still only be 'planning' to do a remix ^^;

    I play the alto sax, susato pentatonic recorders, and can sing, as well as having access to heaps of talented musician friends and a recording studio at my university that can be book to use for free. I'm still just a beginner at Pro Tools but I hope to become more familiar with it in the near future. Until then, I will work with my humble little Cool Edit Pro 2 xD

    When I do actually come out with a few remixes, they're probably be around the area of Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VII, Shadow of the Colossus and Sailor Moon: Another Story (although I'm not even sure if there's a category for the latter), as they're the games I already have tracks in mind for.

    Um, that's all for now. :tomatoface:

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