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Posts posted by x-kcd

  1. Right..ive been lurking long enough.. and its time for me to post and seek help from the gurus! ok.. so i installed window 7 recently and everything is in top notch. Fruity loops worked normally when using primary driver. I was able to get sound from kontakt 2 player but the problem arises when i imported a midi file.. there were noticeable latency.. its like having a delay on all the tracks. So i change to asio driver in FL9 settings.. all the latency went away and the midi track sounded very good but the problem is that i cant get any sound from kontakt 2 player? is this an issue with asio driver? i was unable to change my driver setting to asio in the windows control panel..

    sorry for my poor english. :tomatoface:

    PS: im running win7 x64

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