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Everything posted by mr_flea

  1. I was considering suggesting cyberpunk myself, but lots of people it. Low-gravity cyberpunk is really fun.
  2. I love these two, but I don't know if anyone else really likes them. I know some people have performance issues with cashworks, if that's the reason for removing it I'm fine with that. I've always had fun on Repository, though. (I don't think I've ever seen it run on OCR, actually...)
  3. Hello, I've been a regular for a while, but I keep getting kicked by reserved slots; I was hoping I might have one to avoid being kicked. Today I joined RED with a friend (while it was completely empty), and by about 15 minutes later the server had filled and I was kicked by a reserved slot. On another note, because of the soldier/demoman update, playing spy is even more awesome than before.
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