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Everything posted by AfroNick

  1. I am also one for leaving crits on. Aside from the occasional spawn-door-faring crocket when I have 100% Kritz or Uber, I don't really see the problem with it. Random crits don't happen enough to be bothersome in my eyes, unless they don't happen near me at all and there's plenty of reason for everyone to cry out "votecrits" in the chat. It's like I always say when I cut someone with my Vita-Saw: Crit Happens.
  2. I agree, with the exception of those three players. It was a very fun night. Also, I apologize when HLDJ and TF2 decided to explode on me causing not fun things to be had. I believe I've solved the problem.
  3. Yes, and you're always where they want you: in face-stabbing range.
  4. No, nothing to do with team selection. It's when you select a server and if it happens to be full, you can select Auto-Join Server. When someone leaves the game, it automatically connects instead of just having to hit "Connect" repeatedly and hoping you get lucky.
  5. ^All of this, especially the Auto-Join part.
  6. There go my Mighta-Saw kills.
  7. Dang it... I really liked the center point underneath. Maybe it won't be so bad in its new location.
  8. When you say "graphically stutter", do you mean that every once in a while the game just freezes for a split second and then returns to normal? I've noticed that happening to myself now, when I used to get smooth gameplay with no interruptions. I think it started after last Friday's update, and regardless of the server I'm on, it happens to me.
  9. What the... Well, it is a change from the purple and black checkerboard pattern.
  10. Oh thank goodness. I missed my Kritz so much.
  11. I know it nulled Sticky Bomb and Grenade Launcher damage, but it also stops their Caber damage altogether? Great...
  12. You and I both. And, is it just me, or if someone has the Ullapool Caber and the Sticky Jumper equipped, do they take less of the self-inflicted damage that supposedly is the trade-off?
  13. This Kritzkrieg bug has forced me to get back into the usage of the Medigun because I'm too lazy to do that console command every time I charge someone. It's good practice though.
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