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Newbie (1/14)

  1. we got banned during setup, the rounds before that i believe we were spread across different teams. i didnt hear/see anyone complaining or feel like either team had a advantage in the previous rounds (however i was watching tv not really playing so who knows what was going on)... i don't have a problem switching teams if asked and ive seen other nqa members do it also even without being asked.. not that big of a deal with all talk on.. --- on your end though i understand what happened and do see ocr's point...hopefully in the future we can return because over all i have had alot of fun on your servers and am highly amused by bushfire. -Deathblow.
  2. i was on and got banned. i prob didnt auto or even look who was on my team. i was afk for a minute came back and saw him say he was banning people. if i was asked to switch teams i would of.. knowhadimsayyinn!
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