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Posts posted by RitiTroll

  1. So I just discovered this site from a link from TV Tropes. FFIV may not be my favorite FF game ever (It belongs to one whose roman numeral also begins with an I with only one numeral following it) but it is my favorite soundrack of Final Fantasy, even when it comes to arrangements and remixes both professional and... I hesitate at using the term "Amerture" about works such as this, but I hope my intent comes across properly.

    I checked it out. I don't love every song on the soundtrack, but I'm not going to harp on that. I'm going to talk about the songs I like to inflate egos.

    The Flying Machine: At first, I was stupid and barely listened past the beginning going "Ohmygodthisisn'tthemaintheme!" The Main theme is one of my favorite songs from this game. It was the first song from this game I heard, as well (specifically the Celtic Moon version). It's probably very high on my list of favorite songs ever! Of course, then I decided to sit and listen to it, figuring it was a very lovely "Into the Darkness" arrangement if nothing else. It doesn't remind me of FFIV, to be honest. It's well done, with the melody very present. I love the almost mechanical feel to it, especially when the "Into the Darkness" theme is played, with each part leading to another. I'm a huge fan of webcomics, so I hope it doesn't hurt the arranger's feeling that this song makes me think of the "Incredible Falling Machine" part of Girl Genius, which unfortunately beat out the lovely map of FFIV as my image of choice only by virtue of the name bringing that image up. Were it names something else, I probably could bring up images of the world of FFIV.

    Golbez n' Goblins: I love this one. It is awesome. I think Golbez deserves a break from being all mopey, he should be glad he got a remix that would have been awesome for something like a unique boss battle theme.

    Metal Mage: Can I say that it actually kind of makes me laugh. The kid acts just like how Palom would if Metal existed there. It's an awesome song in it's own right, but the demands from the kid just make it stand out the most with memory and a bit of a laugh thrown in.

    Fallen Dragoon: The last one I can say I really loved. I'm a bit of a Kain fangirl, since from my first Final Fantasy game, I thought dragoons were awesome, so Kain is the definition of awesome. I especially love him in the DS version, well, when I had it in Japanese, with his voice and how his name was Ka-I-n, so I always felt he was cheated on "Suspicion". Fallen Dragoon really captures how he's like before, during, in-between, during again, and after his brainwashing.

    Some songs I found enjoyable, but not "OMG AWESOME" were: Edward's Dream quartet (I also actually kinda like Gil, and pulling it into different styles surprised me in a good way), Almost Fell for the Trojan (Mostly based on the name of the song, but pretty nice listening to the same), and Calcobrena after a night of Dinner and Dancing (I would have liked more of the original theme in it, but still lends an interesting take to this lovely off-kilter waltz)

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