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Posts posted by Khuskan

  1. http://chronodestiny.newgrounds.com/audio/

    This guy has already been reported on NG, but mods haven't taken action yet, apparently. He has posted songs by bLiNd, SgtRama (lol), Siamey and Nav, as if he made them. Moreover, he actually claimed HE HIMSELF was bLiNd.

    OCR flame crew, go!

    I've stuck him on the review list as a priority case.

    I wish there was a faster way to deal with this, but the moderation system is awaiting an upgrade, and until then, only site administrators (the Fulps and office staff) can actually delete user accounts.

  2. I'm actually glad that someone from there took the time to come by and tell us what they are doing about it. At least a half dozen times a year, someone on NG shows up and tries to get away with it, and we tell NG what's going on.

    So, thanks for showing up and helping out.

    It's only doing us favours to branch out and let people know where to get into contact with issues like this!

    Even with our fairly large moderation team, we don't have a complete list of all copyrighted tracks on the face of the earth, and especially in the low-profile cases such as plagiarizing freely released music, normally the few people that notice have no idea how to go about getting the problem solved. There are likely a hell of a lot more than a half dozen stolen uploads a year on NG, today alone I've banned about 10 users...

    Offtopic: If're you're the same Khuskan who made 'Atomic', just wanted to say that track is one of my favourite :D. Funky stuff.

    Haha, thanks!

  3. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/266749

    I would like to thank Improbability for calmly telling this user that he's fffffffffffffffull of shit.

    His other tracks aren't by him it seems too.

    And for the record, no I did not register to newgrounds and no I do not reside in Montreal =\

    Hey there, I'm an audio moderator over at newgrounds, so if there are any more plagurism issues regarding our site, please get in touch with me via a PM on Newgrounds (if you have an account) or an e-mail at khuskan [at] gmail [dot] com and I'll flag it up on our system to be reviewed. I'll backtrack this thread a bit and see if there are any more issues.

    The track in question is now flagged and the account will be dealt with by the administration team as soon as possible.

    Note that any tracks that have been credited in a flash or game submission on the Newgrounds system may take slightly longer to process.

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