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Posts posted by ooidort

  1. I don't need to say that this is a medley and therefore will not be accepted on OCR, right? Just getting that out of the way so it doesn't shock you later.

    Yep, I know. I just finished and published my demo and wanted to do something different for a while. :)

    Otherwise, it's quite good, bro. The guitar sound is excellent, although the melody is a bit too far from the front in terms of mixing, and it sounds like the highs in the EQ are missing for that instrument. Bring out the melody more & bring up the highs a little. Then you'll be spot on, production wise.

    Might have something to do with my neck pickup. I'll see what I can do.

    Snakeman is a little bit odd, imo. You changed up the harmonies so they end up sounding too static, overall. I'd recommend using more of the original chords, to get rid of the static nature the track currently has.

    I'll dig into it.

  2. SnakeMan is great! You transitioned perfectly Who are 'ya doin' next? I noticed you're going in some sort of a diamond direction.

    Top Man most probably, as you guessed. :) Although I'm not, at least conciously, following any pattern here. Just trying to make everything fit.

    FunkyEntropy, I'll try to make the bass more interesting. As a guitarist I often just double the guitars and that's it, which is bad. :)

    Thanks for the feedback, both of you!

  3. Doesn't necessarily count as a remix, but thought this is the best place to get feedback about this kind of stuff.

    So my plan is to somehow merge every robotmaster song into one big song. The biggest problem I think is going to be the tempo, which changes between every song. I'll try to update this post according to every new song I manage to squeeze in.

    Opinions and advices how to improve are welcome and I'll try to make changes accordingly.


    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5798359/megamedley_hardman_snakeman_topman.mp3 (Top Man partially)

    Improved (?) production:



    Stage select

  4. Sounds better! :-o Bass is nicer and everything is a bit clearer. But those drums still need more 'oomph' (might be as simple as just turning the snare volume up a bit?), and the mid-range is still muddly. I'm beginning to wonder if it's not so much a matter of mixing and whether you've just got too much going on compositionally. Does that acoustic guitar passage need to continue the whole time? It seems like there's just too much going on in the meat of it.

    Getting there! 8-)

    I'll clean it up a bit, I have a bad habit of crowding the mix to the max, and you are not the first person to say about that. :banghead:

    not bad for a new guy

    however, the mixdown isn't that solid. the bass might be a little too big, this could come down to a personal taste question. the drums are not big enough in the mix, they really feel subdued and don't share as much space as the rest of the mix.

    as far as the arrangement, it's kinda close...thought i really think to put this one over the bar would be to put some kinda improvised/altered version of the original melody in there. i hear the original in there twice, it would be good to have it have a little of your own spin on it.

    personally i think this will probably get a "no, resubmit" if submitted as is.

    nice start though.

    Yeah, I've just always thought that this theme is just perfect as is. A nice little solo to the end would probably do wonders. And since this is my first remix, I am not really accustomed to changing the arrangement and such. Perhaps with some time and *cough* luck *cough* this will turn out to something nice.


    Really awesome remix, may i use that one in my Game Music DjSet Podcast??? perhaps a mash-up of your track? i´ll provide all the credits for you!!

    Sure, just keep in mind that this isn't quite finished yet.

  5. Man I always loved this theme :) good to see someone rockin' it up a bit! I love the solo work in this. This is shaping up to be really nice.

    Some thoughts:

    -The mixing is a little muddly when the lead guitar comes in, it would be nice if the rhythm and lead parts were given a little more space each in the mix.

    -Drums sound a bit weedy and fake. I especially noticed the toms in the intro. Better samples maybe? Also not in love with the constant kick drum run near the end of the song.

    -Acoustic guitar intro could do with a little more high-end or to sound a bit more 'crisp', plus guitar slide effect sounds a bit weird

    -Bass throughout is a tad bit too loud and rumbly?

    I really really hope you do a bit more work on this and then sub it because I think this deserves to go on OCRemix just for the solo work alone. Good luck! :)!!


    I am already trying to fix the flaws that you kindly pointed out. As for the drums, I really can't change the samples since I use Addictive Drums and 'am not very fond of poking around the web for some good samples. But I'll try to make them sound better.

  6. I think its great! :)

    I wish there would have been more SNES games by Rare. The three DKC games and killer instinct did rule! Is there any Jump-and-Run that is of the same quality as DKC on the SNES (beside Yoshi's Island)?


    Now that I think of it, at least I don't remember any. Well, of course there is Mario All Stars, but I dunno if it counts.

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