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Posts posted by Scaids

  1. As for why it was taken out of TF2 to begin with, I'd put my money on the fact that it's popularity had waned later in TFC's life. Not to even mention that it felt like a completely separate game from TFC (and was really) which would put off a lot of players looking for the standard TF experience (just look at the initial reception arena maps had). It probably should have been a completely separate title altogether to be honest.

    This mode kind of became less popular as the game NS began to build in popularity, it being a much more reasonable, but still heavily team based, game. It could just be a coincidence, but I imagine that's why. Also teamwork in general has always been hard to come by.

  2. I'm going to have to vote no against this, for three reasons:

    1. It requires a server mod. As they say over on the srcds forums: "If you are one of those people who likes to try out a new mod every few days, maybe think about testing on a private server. Players don't normally like to save a Surf server to favorites one week, and a week later it be a Deathmatch. Pick a game type, and go with it. Changing it every few days does not help you build a valuable player base, only temporary players which will probably never play on your server again." Note that this usually doesn't apply to TF2, because TF2 already has several standard game modes built-in. However, it would in this case because of the server mod.

    In this case I was hoping to try it without any mods installed first for this very reason. As far as building a valuable player base, that wasn't really the intention. I was hoping to get people that we already play with, as they could (Again, blindly assuming) be trusted to follow the rules of the game mode without mods installed.

    2. It suffers from the same problem A/D ctf does, balance-wise. These two game modes were replaced with a single game mode (payload) for a reason.

    I was hoping to circumvent that in a similar way to the normal scrim nights, via picking and self regulation. I see a community that can easily be trusted with that, which is really, pretty dang awesome.

    3. Speaking of balance... class limits? Seriously? NO

    This is something I thought a lot about, especially considering how crazy annoying it would be to get the civilian to the end, only just to have a crazy good sniper pick him off. (I'm looking at you Lumpy! If you even read these things!) I am actually unsure of how the game balance would go, in one frame of mind the attacking team gets medics which COULD overheal the civilian to a bit more life, but a sniper's headshot still ends it all. Again, pretty much every detail is up for debate.

    Ultimately if it is decided that we don't do it, I'm pretty cool with that. It IS your server and I'm not even gonna try to force you to do anything with it, since its a privilege that I get to play on them to begin with. You do bring some genuine concerns, but hey, that's why I decided to start a thread for discussion of it.

    Your post appears on page 779 on my computer.
    I got nothing. Earlier today it was showing normal (about thirty minutes ago) and now its back to being reversed again.
  3. On an unrelated note, Scaids pinged me today about setting up some games of Hunted. Anybody with rcon be willing to hook us up once we figure out a schedule?


    In theory, this is a link to the page with the discussion stuff.

    Edit: Tested- In practice it is.

    Edit again: also, is it just me, or does this thread go backwards? page 1 is the newest posts and page 7xx is the oldest post?

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