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Posts posted by andreamilana

  1. Hi!

    it's been a while since I posted something mine.. even though I have been working on other remixes and other music productions.. So I thought of combining two recent remixes in one topic only (if possible).

    Here comes my remix of Project-X - Team17 [1992], original music by Allister Brimble.

    And this is my remix version of Shinobi - SEGA [1987] original music by Yuzo Koshiro

    Hope you like them! :-D

    PS) I was trying to implement youtube player in here but couldn't manage.. is it possible btw?

  2. hi there,

    thanks for your accurate answer and analysis; that's why I like to post samples, to get feedbacks while still on the go.

    The piano is played live, and there will be more in the performance for sure.. Yes the theme-synth is still not there, I was just trying to be very close the original sound of the melody, but have to work on it.

    The album as you have noticed is not OCR oriented, this is a project of mine which came out a while ago, and still in progress.. but because still retrogame music oriented I decided to let you know about it :)

    Thanks again,

    you'll soon hear from me again (hopefully..)

    Cheers! :)

  3. Fantastic! I loved the first and the fourth tracks, especially. An excellent blend of a whole bunch of different genres and styles of music, all produced exceptionally. The ethnic percussion on the fifth track was great, too. Definitely a keeper.

    thank you very much, I really appreciated your comment ;-)

    All the Best!

  4. Hi there ;)

    thanks for yor opinion on every track, it's really appreciated.

    The samples you have listened to, as you already noticed, are just few seconds of the entire tracks.. and all of those tracks are actually ready, I will change something in the last version of them and of course I will mix and master them properly; but this is the final step.

    The beginning of the samples there, are not the beginning of the "songs", those are just pieces somewhere during the song which let you have an idea of what they will be.

    There is the idea to produce this album, I got in touch with Chris Huelsbeck, and from his side I already have the availabilty in doing that, the problem is getting in touch with all the other original composers, to agree with the rights of their own tracks.

    So at the moment I am evaluating two options, making it to distribute and to sell as a proper CD album, with bonus track and extras.. or making it for free. I'm part of a record label and a recording studio too, here in Malta, so on that side we have the possibilities.

    I had a listen to remixes you have here, and I found many good ones! this is just to tell that if there is someone who wants to collaborate on projects, or who has something original to propose, I am available at anytime to talk about that.

    Cheers! ;-)

    PS) Just in case, is there a way to submit an album on your website? Instead of submitting all the tracks separately.. Thanks!

  5. Hello everybody,

    I would like to let you know about an album project I'm still working on in my free time.



    It will includes 10 of my favourite old game soundtracks.

    MP3 samples available to listen by clicking on the track-titles:

    01 Another World (intro-theme)

    02 Xenon II Megablast (title-theme)

    03 Cybernoid II (title-theme)

    04 Rastan (level 1)

    05 Shadow of the Beast III (title-theme)

    06 First Samurai (title theme)

    07 …

    08 …

    09 …

    10 …

    11 bonus track

    Hope you find the project interesting.

    Thanks, Cheers!

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