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Everything posted by Keyblade

  1. I actually found a good amount of VGMix songs from the Chrono series from one of their fansites: http://chronofan.com/Black/VGM/ I certainly hope virt will make the torrent available in these forums when it is finally finished.
  2. I'm bumping this thread for the simple fact that this is important for all remixers. Is there a certain way we can: a1.) Find another domain, because the current one has stonewalled? a2). Make sure that domain is simpler to use (this is important because VGMix 2 was constantly bombed by hackers? b.) Find remixers to put their old stuff from VGmix back to the new one (there are several reMixers on this site that had stuff on VGmix but not on OCRemix), and bringing traffic to said site? c.) Contact Dwelling of Duels (a branch of VGMix itself) and asking Paragon and Rimson (the admins, as far as I know) to help out with this? d.) The original VGMix was created for the simple fact that to get a remix through for OCR, you had to get through judges. Not to mention they could rate it and find the best songs quick. Perhaps we can contact virt and/or other former mods on the site to spitball the idea? This is very important to consider, as the amount of content (for both sites) can in fact be doubled and each site can bring their own flavor of methods of music.
  3. If a reMixer could take the time to rearrange The Sight of Spira for Final Fantasy X, that would be great. Although the track by itself is somewhat repetitive, it is very open to many interpretations of the song. Thanks!
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