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Posts posted by themanwithsauce

  1. While it certainly is true that a lot of people have to put in a lot of effort to complete the album even after all the tracks are done, I will say with complete honesty that I most likely would've donated money towards the project had I been able to see more progress and better commitment to a due date.

    What was in the first post?

    Be forewarned: we're gonna be assholes about the due dates. If you miss a due date, your track is again open and goes to the first person to send me a WIP I like. If you miss a due date, but then manage to get me an updated WIP before somebody else does, you get your claim back, but if somebody else beats you to it, tough shit.

    I'm sorry but if I'm putting money towards something I'd like to see progress on it. But here we are with no teaser images of a cd cover or a website layout or anything other than some preview tracks for some online radio programs. And yes, we don't really have any right or reason to complain about getting this music for free but everyone who donated money has a damn good reason to keep bugging you about these things. I can assure you that if you were to post a definite, for sure, 100% set in stone release date or your money back, you'd get every dollar you asked for to finance the album, website, promotional printings, etc....Heck, if it's under triple digits I'd pay for the rest myself. But - no release date, no $, so I will wait. Sorry for the rant but I've been following this project since it was just rumors and every time I get the urge to donate I hear about more delays and people not getting stuff done and I decide not to. This was something I've been meaning to say since you missed the "before 2010" release date.

    ************NEW SUBJECT*********

    Taucer's original post was 3-01-08....any chance 3-1 might be the magic day?

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