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Patriot Infinity

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  1. No one?! Someone must also recognize it...
  2. I'm trying to figure out what this song is from. I'm 90% sure it's from a video game, it sounds so familiar, but I can't put my finger on it. Can you guys help me out? This song in this video is what I'm referring to. Listen to at least 3 minutes of it. Any help would be awesome.
  3. Still no one? Damn =\ Anyway, with no SFX.
  4. Thanks for clarifying that. I had no idea where those sfx were coming from.
  5. I guess it all depends on how you look at it. In many ways, Home is nothing but a game. So... no takers?
  6. I was wondering if anyone was willing/able to remix, redux, recreate, rewhatever (minus the stupid coin drop sounds) the playstation home mall theme (the old one). It's a very soothing, relaxing beat. It's a fairly short loop, but I could listen to it forever. It doesn't get old. By the way, this is my first post on the forums. I've been visiting this site for years and my iPhone is filled with tons of tracks from this site. Amazing work you all do.
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