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    Cortez Almanza
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  1. Hey this is Ferno, and I wanna thank you for taking time out to download Console Wars 5. If this is your first time ever listening to one of my tapes, know that there is no rapping, and it’s all based off video game music. Basically, I have great producers sample video game tunes, and that’s what this project is made up of. Console Wars 5 is real special though because it’s the 1st time a pro gamer has contributed to the project. Some gamers may know him, some may not, but I’d like to thank Swoozie for contributing, and recognizing the hard work that these producers are doing. Swoozie is known for his skills in the Dead or Alive series, from his personal Youtube channel, and also starred in WCG Ultimate Gamer that aired on the Syfy channel. He also is co-host of a Youtube channel titled ”Press Start” with Michelle Phan. But, there’s a lot of great producers who contributed to the tape, and without them, this series wouldn’t have made it this far. So, enjoy Console Wars 5, and pass it along to other people. *Cover done by Marcus Fields* Ferno http://www.twitter.com/Theeinferno Inferno0636@gmail.com *Tracklist & Link* Swaggabeatz-Console Wars 5 intro *Legendary Wings* Sweatertight-Go Pikachu! *Pokemon Yellow* Sweatertight-Rush groove *Sonic Rush* Sweatertight-Mode 7 *F-Zero* Blubeatz-Interstate ‘76 *Vigilante 8* Blubeatz-Chaos Earthworm *Sonic & Earthworm Jim* Pig Pen-Bathroom Break *Chrono Trigger & Starfox* Retro-New Challenger *Street Fighter* sWooZie-The Return of Jumpman *Super Mario 64* AJISREAL-World 5-2 *Super Mario* Hirobeats-When it’s Done *Duke Nukem* Sweatertight- The Brink of Time *Chrono Trigger* Blubeatz-Eggman Returns! *Sonic 3D Blast* Pig Pen-Saving Game *Final Fantasy* Blubeatz-Mega Buster Time! *Mega Man X6* Fly Boy Viz-Rise Jimmy and Billy Lee! *Double Dragon 2* DJ Xyanyde-The Awesome Black Hole *Star Fox* sWooZie-Flag Captured *Halo* Blubeatz-The Hunt is On *In the Hunt* Hirobeats-The Dark Knight Strikes *Batman Returns* Pig Pen-Bathroom Break…AGAIN! *Final Fantasy* Kick808’s-Meta Knight Da Bess *Kirby’s Dream Land* BlackMuzik-The Mother Brain *Phantasy Star 2* AJISREAL-Duck Vader is your father *Tiny Toon Adventures* Blubeatz-Hey Patapon *Patapon* Retro-Sonic Adventure 3 *Sonic* Blubeatz-Console Wars 5 ending *Streets of Rage 2* http://www.mediafire.com/?yrwmd9w82xvlwo1
  2. This is the 2nd leak from my upcoming Console Wars 5 project. The beat was produced by AJISREAL, and it's a sample EVERYONE should be familiar with. I hope everyone enjoys it, and check out Console Wars 5 when it drops. http://usershare.net/Ferno/n97gr67upks0
  3. This is an exclusive beat that Darkseid sent me, and I decided to share it with you people. I really like it because of how relaxing it is. But, I hope you people really like it, and give feedback. I'll also link the other version that was laid over Lupe's song ''Pop, Pop''. Have a good day! Goodnight to Hip Hop http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/380504 Pop, Pop http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/382772 Ferno Inferno0636@gmail.com
  4. This is from my 1st tape with Sweatertight ''Tightly Knitted'', and he flipped a tune from ''The Legendary Axe'' for the Turbograx-16. I hope everyone enjoys it, and comment. You can download the tune from NG, and there's a download link in the author comments, if you wanted to download the whole beat tape. Have a good day! http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/381026 Ferno Inferno0636@gmail.com
  5. Yeah bro, you can download it right off the site.
  6. I'm looking for more hip hop producers for my next project, Console Wars 5. It's where producers flip video game tunes, and give it a hip hop feel. This one will be real big because I have Swoozie from WCG Ultimate Gamer contributing, plugging it, and another very special guest plugging it. Other producers include Blubeatz, Sweatertight, K.I.D.D. *BG, Rick Ross, and etc*, Fly Boy Viz *K-Jon, The Aphilliates, and etc*, AJ *Oncue, Mick Boogie, and etc*, and many more. Now if you wanna take part, you gotta come with some heat, cause I'm very picky of what I put on there. Also, I need tracks before the end of December. If you wanna take part, then shoot over an email to me. Thanks and take care! Ferno Inferno0636@gmail.com
  7. I'm glad you do.
  8. This is from my upcoming project ''The Console Wars 5'', and Sweatertight MADE this beat from F-Zero. I thought I'd share it with you great people. I hope you all like it. Any questions, comments, or just wanna hit me up, then shoot over an email. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/380333 Ferno Inferno0636@gmail.com
  9. This is a track from my upcoming project ''The Console Wars 5'', and Sweatertight flipped this on something BOSS. Console Wars 5 will feature production from Swoozie06, Blubeatz, Sweatertight, K.I.D.D., AJ, and many more. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/380333 Ferno Inferno0636@gmail.com
  10. This is a beat Blubeatz recreated off the dome, and added his own twist to it. It's the song from the last level on Streets of Rage. I hope everyone enjoys it, and pass it along to others. If you have any questions, comments, or just have something to say, then shoot me an email. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/368035 Ferno Inferno0636@gmail.com
  11. I'm happy that you took time to listen to this. I'll forward the feedback, and thanks again man.
  12. This is another chapter in my ”Console Wars” video game beat tape series. The whole thing is produced by AJ, who’s production can be heard on previous Console Wars tapes. If you have any comments, questions, or anything then shoot me an email. Console Wars 5 is on the way, but it’ll be a second. Ferno Inferno0636@gmail.com AJ-She’s in another castle! AJ- World 2-5 AJ- Who the hell is Genji? AJ- Legaia GO!!! AJ- Meia AJ- Low Par AJ- Time & Space AJ- Bonded by Claire AJ- The Tri-Force AJ- Ms.Pac Man still fine! AJ- Heroic Rescue AJ- Almost done! AJ- PEACH IS IN THIS CASTLE, OMG!!! AJ- Secret Level 1-1 AJ Secret Level 1-2 http://www.mediafire.com/?bbjppdap3qsy92z
  13. This is the 1st tape I put out with Blubeatz, and I never posted it here. This is before I learned to tag files and stuff, so that's why it's so poorly packaged together. But, it's a lot of classic beats to be found in here, and I hope everyone enjoys them. Ferno Inferno0636@gmail.com Xenosaga Ma nah ma nah Onikage Tenchu last boss Force of illusion/Mario Duke Nukem FF10 Ultra Sonic hip hop remake Eggman 2 Ballad baller Awesome Possum Final Fantasy blu remix http://www.mediafire.com/?mcyjz23ej4n
  14. I teamed up with Sweatertight to bring you this beat tape, and it's a great one. It uses samples from Dragonball Z, Final Fantasy series, Kingdom Hearts series, Animaniacs, Chrono Trigger, and from various other cartoons, video games, and original works. I hope everyone enjoys this beat tape, a lot of hard work went into it, and look for more works to come from me and him. Ferno Inferno0636@gmail.com Sweatertight-Hello nurse! Sweatertight-Sweatertight’s Symphony Sweatertight-Lavos death Sweatertight-Trunks ending Sweatertight-Piccolo Saga Sweatertight-Uematsu tribute pt.1 Sweatertight-Uematsu tribute pt.2 Sweatertight-Sora’s ballad Sweatertight-Detroit’s ballad Sweatertight-Keep it tight Sweatertight-Dancing Sweatertight Sweatertight-Party up!!! http://www.mediafire.com/?dmwod4nyynz
  15. *Taken from the txt file* Console Wars 4 is finally here, and it’s taken me a long time to put this together. I hope everyone enjoys the hard work that the producers have helped me put into this. I gotta thank the producers first because without them, this project would go nowhere. I also gotta thank the fans for keeping my projects going because without you, I wouldn’t be doing this. I’d also like to thank friends, family, and Marcus for hooking me up with dope covers for my projects. I promise that Console Wars 5 will be out sooner, and it won’t take as long. Pass this around to anyone you know, and let them know about this so I can keep bringing you great stuff. If you wanna contact me directly to leave feedback, get in touch with a certain producer, or interview me then shoot me an email. Take care and God bless! Ferno Inferno0636@gmail.com http://www.mediafire.com/?1tbfk68c9we8xo1
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