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Posts posted by Aurebesh

  1. First off, I'd just like to say thank you to everyone who has submitted something musical here at OCRemix as the tunes I find here always seem to stay right near the top of playlist no matter what. Second, my name is Aurebesh as you might have guessed. It's the same name I use all over the net, so there's a 80%-90% chance it's me if you see the name used elsewhere.

    While I'm afraid that I'm not very talented when it comes to playing an instrument, I do have an ear for music and can usually plunk something out on the piano after hearing it once or twice. I'm also a tenor/baritone voice, and can possibly even reach the alto range if necessary. If you need another singer for a project (or possibly even a lyricist), just let me know.

    I'm looking forward to seeing what all is released by y'all in the upcoming years. Keep up the amazing work!

  2. When listening to the original Tetris soundtrack/chiptunes, I came upon a melody that instantly caught my ear. While I've heard most of the songs in the game many times before I'd never heard this particular track. In the chiptune provided by OCRemix (link here), take a listen to song 16. It should be located between the 'rocket launch' tune and the 'score' tune. It's a simple song that repeats within a short period of time, yet it could probably be listened to for hours on end. I haven't been able to find an official name for this song, or even where it shows up in the game. Hopefully someone will be willing to take this lovely song and make it even more amazing than it already is. My thanks to you if you do.

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