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Posts posted by Micah

  1. Ruby Weapon was my hardest boss, but it is actually easy if you use the mythril band (or something like that). It gives you 50% evade. In FF6 the boss on the mountain where you get Sabin was hard for me (his name starts with a D i think), but he was hard only because all my members were poisoned from the save point and i didn't have any antidotes. My party died quite a few times because of that jerk.

  2. This song is excellent. Every time I listen to it, it gets better and better. It took me a while to find out why this song reminded me of another game, but I finally found it - it sounds like Animal Village from Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening during the first 10 seconds of the song. Everyone should download this and listen to it a few times, it takes a few listens to appreciate it.

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