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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I really appriciate your help man! but how exactly do I do this? Sorry, Im def not a newb. check out my song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSaDh5Sn1bU tell me what you think. But seriously, I need help hahaha EDIT, I got it working. thank you so so so much.
  2. When I click the wav on my sidebar, it sound fine. but while in the drum mixer thing, it sound digitally stretched out in some way making it slower but not lower in pitch. any help?
  3. Fuck I have saved after that ((((( what else?
  4. I have been working on this rave song for about a month now and while I was saving, my laptop died right after I hit save. Can I save it? how? FL STUDIO 9 I was using nexus 2 also. PLEASE HELP ME (((((:banghead::banghead: Here is the file http://rapidshare.com/files/390785575/Booyakasha.flp.html it can only be downloaded 10 times so only dl if you want to help. I REALLY NEED THIS TO BE FIXED BECAUSE ITS GOING ON ITUNES I will include a shoutout to you in the song if you help me fix it/fix it.
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