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Everything posted by HTwrestler112

  1. What hardware other than a computer is ideal for producing superior mixes?
  2. Thanks for the welcome. Do you feel that FL Studio and Logic have similar capabilities outside of the obviously different user interfaces? I'm leaning toward first messing around with GB since I can then upgrade to Logic and I have a full year of private lessons on Mac software with staff at the Apple Store.
  3. I played trumpet in high school and college, so I'm well acquainted with musical notation. I never really got into music theory that much other than on my particular instrument. Do feel that it is necessary to learn piano to be effective at mixing?
  4. I am completely new to music remixing, but I was at my friend's house last weekend and he was using a software called Reason to work on a remix of the Donkey Kong Country underwater theme. I love video music, especially classic nintendo stuff. (I study with it playing all the time at med school.) I would like to begin learning how to remix and work with music software along the same lines as Reason. I'm not afraid of software with a steep learning curve, I just want to find software that will not limit me as I learn more. What is the preferred software used by members of OCRemix? (I have both Mac and Windows platforms if that makes any difference.)
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