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  • Real Name
    Danny Soto

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  • Collaboration Status
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Acoustic Guitar
    Electric Guitar: Lead
    Electric Guitar: Rhythm

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Thanks so much, Marcusg. I looked up the links you sent me, and they worked well. After watching a few more tutorials on technique, I kind of started messing around (two original compositions on my SoundCloud show that). But tonight, I was in a sort of productive mood, and I revisited this. http://soundcloud.com/djsoto13/super-mario-world-castle It's a revision, added a little original content, rearranged it, EQ'd it, etc. What do you guys think?
  2. I have Reso masterclass production He gives a very very good tutorial and explanation of how he produced his track called "war machine"

    . this video is 818 mb. Don't know how to send it. But here is a Q&A from him If you want to video u gotta recommend a good way to send it to ya.


    decent dubstep forum



    learn about compression. DogonAcid has great interviews and Q&A from great producers of DnB and Dubstep like Noisia. I can give that link if you want.

    You can get some decent samples from torrents and download vengeance pack or buy it if you have money. Do you research. Heres on good site with some decent drums


    I still have more stuff so any questions just ask.

  3. Hey. So you said you had links? Haha

  4. Merry holidays - what do you want me to send you? I could just send an mp3, but what part do you wanna vocalize? The first part, or the second part (with the bubbly chord progression in the background, the one that changes tempo)? Ask and ye shall [most likely] receive, if you still want it.
  5. Okay, so it's been a bit, but here's what I'd like to call the finished product. The part I'm most tentative about - the drums. But, anyways... Source: Remix: http://soundcloud.com/djsoto13/super-mario-world-castle-dubstep
  6. Thanks, DarkSim. Yeah, I submitted it and looked around, only to find myself humbled by that remix. But I absolutely love Hot Top (sorry, but Taj's is... not my favorite). I just had them there because, to me, they kind of fit together (the tempoes were the same, which surprised me a little). But, yeah, I feel like HTV could go much farther. Plus, like I said, this wasn't really a remix, just two finished arrangements. I'll come up with a remix [probably, hopefully] soon. Thanks Anyone know of any good sitar VSTs?
  7. A bit busy recently, but I had some time off yesterday and today and just decided to grind. Two things came out of it - a Final Fantasy medley and a Diddy Kong Racing duet/duel thing. First, FF. My remix (or at least arranged medley) The sources: That was a bit of a loosely put-together medley, but I kind of felt that I wanted to do it just to get back into the feel of composing/arranging. It's a sort of orchestra-meets-guitar-meets-electronica (hence the synths and electronic drums, dominant guitar part, and orchestral strings and percussion). Secondly, DKR. My remix (or at least arranged medley) The sources: Both of these are kind of strung together. This one ends in a sort of duel - which is kind of where I got the name from. Establish the themes, then pit them against each other. Thoughts? EQ advice/critism? Overall critism/advice? Thanks, OCR
  8. That... That just might work. THANK YOU I will try that.
  9. haha yeah, well... I kinda deserved that. Although they can use a little more EQ-ing, they're really quiet in comparison. It's because any time I try and put them up to the higher level, this one bit with the hi-hat (triplet-feel, and I'm really tentative about calling them triplets, because I'm not totally sure) always cuts through in a jarring sort of feel. It sounds too harsh and too out-of-place. For those of you who are familiar with Reason 4, I'm using a Dr. REX loop (for those who aren't, it's a simple drum loop machine). I edited the loop to what you hear in the first part of the song. I don't know how to isolate each instrument (snare hit, hi-hat, etc) and adjust their volume/EQ them individually. The most I can do is EQ it as a whole, which is the sound that you're hearing. If anyone can help me with EQ-ing a Dr. REX loop, that would be so great. I hate that damn hi-hat. Lol Most recent version:
  10. Okay, the third "finished" version. The drums are a little more solid (although I just can't figure out how to get the drums at the beginning to be more "oomph"-y and more solid, like the ones in the second half of the song). The song itself is arranged a little differently (two different wobbles, a lengthier song with different tempoes of the same parts), and I did get the FX (reverse cymbals, crashes) either mostly removed, or very toned-down. Thar ye go.
  11. @Mysterious1ne Vocals would be a nice touch. Remix of a remix? And the pace changes... I think I did the tempo changes for the song. The beginning is 140, because that's a good tempo to sound like the original and conform to dubstep "standards". The intro to the scale progression is 102, again, to capture a bit of a feel, get into a groove, and make it sound good. The change to 120 (the end) can be attributed to a change in mood (it sounds a little darker, IMO), and the whole 100-seconds left tempo change in the original SMW. So, if you want to lay some vocals over it, I can give you a .mp3 of the finalized version, and a version at each of the tempoes (140, 102, and 120), if you'd like (probably before Christmas). @Electrolisystem Thanks, and that's kind of what I was going to edit (transitions, intro/outro) before I posted the final version (I know the thread is "finished"). @Kooper909 Yeah, that's a bit of a problem for me. I'm trying to get them up without overshadowing anything and still keeping a good sound. I'm trying tricks, and I'll have a result soon (hopefully). The reason I'm editing this post is to post the more finalized version. The intro's just a simple fade-in, the drums are a little louder, although I am having some trouble with the hi-hats, so I'm kind of... Crappily EQ-ing them. But at least they're more solid/louder. Thanks for your comments/criticisms, guys!
  12. @ M249 Well, the WUBUBUBUBUBU (scale progression) is pretty loud as it is in the mixer (Reason 4). So... Do you suggest playing around with a filter on it/other things, or adjusting volume everywhere, or placing relatively random drops...? Thanks for the advice, though.
  13. Thanks for your help, guys. Aside from taking Doni's advice (compression and a slight chorus), I made it a little more dubsteppyish (a bit more wobble, nothing too filthy/no drops or anything).
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