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Posts posted by vertigoelectric

  1. Ok, I can confirm the version you have is a lo-fi arrangement of Loading ~ Complete Edition version composed by Tetsuro Sato aka WASi303.

    The original is only available on the 2007 re-release of the Psyvariar OST published by Egg Music (containing music from both 'Medium Unit' and 'Revision').

    Where that custom arrangement comes from, I have no idea, but you have the full length track (loopable as Torzelan mentioned).

    I've got the album, so I've put the two versions of the song back-to-back and you can confirm for yourself: here you go.

    Mystery solved. ;-)

    Cool! Thanks! So I guess that means that the 1 minute "LoFi" piece at the end of that track is really all there is to that mix. Well, that kinda sucks, because it sounds like it has a lot more coming, but I can still loop it like it is.

    Thanks again!

  2. Perhaps it just ends like that to be loopable?

    -edit- Because it definitely is.

    I considered that, and I was actually fine with looping it, however, the ending has that extra square lead...

    Well, if this is all there is, I can make it work.

    On the other hand, as I mentioned earlier, someone said this is a remix of the loading theme from Psyvariar Revision. Anyone know where I can find this "original" tune? I've listened to the soundtracks from Psyvariar and Psyvariar 2 and I can't find a track that has similar melodies that it might been remixed from.

  3. Revision is an update to Medium unit, which was released for the arcade and PS2.

    You said your version of the track cut abruptly. How long is it? It should be 16:41.

    Oh no no, the track itself is complete. However, the "hidden" excerpt at the end of it stops when it actually sounds like it's about to build up to something more. It doesn't just stop dead, either. The last notes still fade off slightly. It's like the composer was creating it in some computer software and just stopped adding to it and rendered it incomplete. Who knows? Maybe it's supposed to be short. It's just the way that it ends doesn't sound like and ending. Hard to explain, so it's probably easiest if you listen to it:


    That's only the "hidden" song at the end of the track. Only about a minute long, and hopefully you can understand what I mean when I say it doesn't like it ends like it ought to.

  4. The game Psyvariar 2's soundtrack has a track called Asteroid (Piano Solo).

    Anyway, this track contains a lot of silence and then a "hidden track" at the end of it. The hidden track seems to end suddenly, as if there ought to be more. It's also quite short.

    If a full version of this exists, I would love to find it. I've done searches on the composer "WASi303" (according to ID tags) but didn't find anything relevant.

    I discovered a forum thread discussing the Psyvariar 2 soundtrack album, and one poster mentioned the hidden track being a remix of the "Psyvariar -Revision-" loading theme. I can't even seem to find anything relevantly helpful on Psyvariar -Revision-, though.

    Anybody have any ideas?

  5. I hope you guys don't consider this spam, and I hope this is the appropriate place to share.

    I have recently begun designing a website where I've made over 1300 original NES soundtracks available for download (that's not 1300 tracks, that's 1300 games with complete track listings). Yesterday I've also implemented the ability to listen to each track directly on the site before actually downloading them.

    It's still in its early stages, but I think it's turning out quite well and I wanted to drive a bit more traffic to it and share it with you guys.

    If you're interested in checking it out, I want to also ask a favor. I don't expect anybody to donate money, but I did set up AdSense and put a Google ad on the left. Clicking it is the same as donating because I get money for clicks except it doesn't cost you anything. Anyway, you don't have to, but it really does help me out.

    Later today if I can get around to it I'm going to start trying to set up some affiliate links on the site as well, including a link to OCRemix.

    Anyway, thanks guys. I hope you do like the site and if you have any suggestions for it, I'd be happy to hear them.

    Again, I hope this isn't an inappropriate post.

    EDIT: I actually forgot the link to my site, haha: http://nesost.vertigofx.com

  6. Thanks! Y'know, I think he might just have difficulty finding good quality samples or kits. He actually mentioned to me today that he couldn't seem to find good acoustic drum sounds and asked me if I could help.

    I don't think he thinks he is "good enough" to post his stuff here, but I know he is. I think his arrangements are amazing. I listened to Laboratory for the first time today (it's a Dr Mario remix) and I loved it. He had said that he considered uploading an album here before, but I guess that's as far as it got.

    Thanks for your reply! I hope he does post his stuff here and get more feedback from you guys.

    I'm a sort of amateur game designer and I told him I want him to make music for my next game. Wooooo

  7. I have a friend who has made several video game music remixes. I don't think a lot of people have heard the stuff so I was hoping maybe some of you would like to check it out.

    I let him host his site on my domain and I hope you don't mind if I post the link to his web page where you can download each track. http://www.vertigofx.com/jrkstudios/

    I think his stuff is really great, and I hope he keeps making more. Let me know what you think. I'm sure he'd love feedback. :razz:

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