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Posts posted by sknocturnal

  1. If listen to the majority of my songs I always put the intro "chip" in all of my songs. Also thanks for all of your feedback. I have taking it all in consideration. I didn't use snares since the original track had only Timpani's and cymbals. I do agree that my remix could use some cymbals and rolls. The of the song was intentional. I left it like that on purpose.

    Thanks for listening and I'm glad you enjoyed my remix. The game is great as well.

  2. Upgraded this track myself...hope you all enjoy this. One of my favorite songs in the series. Please listen to all of my songs in 1080p or 720p [if possible] for the best audio quality. Thanks for listening.

    Soul Calibur - Leaving the World Behind

    I have more remakes\remixes\re-arrangements for other songs on my youtube page listed below

  3. Mega Man - Fireman - Steel Mill Stage *sknocturnal remake* [25th Anniversary]

    This is one of the tracks I was working on to celebrate the Mega Man 25th Anniversary. I definitely wanted to do something from the very first game that doesn't get remixed a lot. Instead of doing the obvious "Rock" like themes I wonder to do something a little different with the song this time ago. Listen to the song in 720p or 1080p for the best audio quality. Tell me what you think about it. Thumbs up if you like it and thanks for listening.

    Once I finish the other Mega Man track I'm working on from the another NES game I'll post it here. If you would like to hear more Mega Man tracks I've remixed check my page. I have remade several songs.


  4. Nice! Very warm feeling of those violins! Sometimes it's a liiittle bit noticeable that the violins are not real but that's really hard to make perfect, at least for me.

    All in all, I really enjoyed it and am listening to it a second time as I write :-)

    Keep it up!

    Thanks for listening and leaving a comment. I purposely tried to make the violins sound a but less realistic at certain parts throughout the song. I wanted to keep that retro-nostalgia Tomb Raider II Playstation 1 feel with the sounds. Of course throughout the song I dropped the retro and went for the realistic sounds. I do this with a lot of my songs. Most of the time I like to keep the feeling that we had as children when we played those games. Once again thanks.

    Sounds very good, well done!

    I had to smile when i was listening to it because when i was 14 or 15 years old, i played this song on my keyboard (by ear) and recorded it on tape. I think i still have the tape.

    I wonder what that tape sounds like :). Thanks for listening. I had to remake this song. I guess it's safe to say that this song was years in the making. Although I never got around to remaking the track until this year, it was worth it.

  5. Thanks for the listening and thanks for the feedback. I would suggest listening to the songs in 720p- 1080p or higher. Also youtube does degrade my WAV file mixes. The youtube quality isn't all that great. They sound so much better when they aren't being converted to YT.

    Also I try to keep some retro sounds in my tracks. If you listen to listen to a few other remakes you'll see that I put thought into my sounds. Anyways thanks for the feedback. I'll post more of my tracks here soon enough. I'm doing a few more NES tracks.

  6. @ gs1_felix.gif Nonamer

    Thanks for the review, but I am done with this song. At least for now. I have a habit and going back to revise some of my tracks. It's rare. I will take your opinions into considerations. Also thanks for listening. I have more MM tracks on my youtube page from different games.

    @ Infenro

    Thanks for listening. Glad you enjoyed it. I have other MM tracks as well. I may do more tracks from X3. I don't know as of right now. I'm currently working on other projects to upload.

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