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Posts posted by 82ndave

  1. Hey Calum, I don't know how I didn't notice this yesterday. This little track is wicked. It Reminds me of something Hudson Mohawke or diplo would make. I love the carefully placed sound effect to disguise part of the lyric lol. You should definately expand this idea into a full track although it would also work well as an interlude if this is finished. :D

  2. I thought I would post up one of my tracks to show what sort of stuff I make, My mates have always told me my stuff sounds like game music, so I joined your fine community. I would like to get involved in some remix action on here but don't know where to start.


    You can also download the 320kbps mp3 on there if you click the little arrow button on the player.

  3. Yeah it is a little pricey, I would say it only takes 4 - 5 hours to complete, but the easter eggs keep it interesting for a while after that. Definitely one to turn the lights off and the sound up for. I hope they put out more levels for it.

  4. I have just completed Limbo on Xbox Live Arcade. Its a great game, really addictive and has brilliant sounds. The music is really minimal, full of nice textures, evolving and bubbling away subtly underneath making you feel uneasy. It blends perfectly with the foley sounds and dark impressionist graphics. I would love to work on a score like that.

    I read an interview with Martin Stig Andersen, who designed the sound and implemented it using Audiokinetic Wwise software which is something I want to learn. (has anyone used it?)

    Here's the interview.


    also, im new here so hi everyone :)

  5. If you are programming drums I would recommend using a midi pad controller to capture your performance. The Akai Mpd and Korg PadKontrol are both good units.

    I would start by forming a basic kit using samples or drum machine sounds. Keep it simple, just Kick, Hihat and snare to begin with. Then start to build the beat. Play a hihat pattern to set the pace, then start it looping. Once you have got that rolling play a kick on the first beat of each bar, then just fill in the gaps with whatever sounds right to you.

    If you are struggling to get some inspiration then you could use an existing percussion loop in another channel to jam over.

    After you have got a basic beat, add more sounds and maybe some fills at the end of every four bars or so to keep it interesting.

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