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Critical Failure

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Everything posted by Critical Failure

  1. I was away for my brother's birthday so I was only able to watch the last bit of Upward, the end of your defense and your offense. Great job guys. When you guys wanted screenies I took a few crappy ones for you. http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/2228/plupward0000.png http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/4350/plupward0001.png http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/1816/plupward0002.png http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/4633/plupward0003.png http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/865/plupward0004.png http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/2724/plupward0005.png
  2. The health mod they're talking about is most likely this one: http://www.fpsbanana.com/guis/23526 It shows the numerical value for the players health. This one looks like shit in my opinion. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3702088/hud_medic.jpg This is what I'm using, except I got rid of some files because I didn't like the centered view of the health and uber meter, or the recharge meters. The PL track is also broken now. I basically got rid of everything except the view of other people's health and the scoreboards.
  3. I really didn't mind losing that 6v9 scrim. It told me where I stood and what needs to be worked on, and I need quite a bit of work. I'm assuming Vahn and that scout had competitive experience. Vahn had his sticky carpet rolled out by the time our team arrived so he was making the jumps to mid (I still don't have that down) and that scout was constantly going for Brush, our medic. If the class limits were changed and we let you work with the cookie cutter 6v6 team, like some asked at the start, we would have been slaughtered.
  4. 2100 is a nice late time so that's good. I'm on my B game right now. I still need some practice so I can make good, consistent jumps with Demo. x_x I'm also kinda surprised Brush hasn't named us something along the lines of OCAD.
  5. So, I finally get around to registering and the first thing I read is Chili's acid trip. . .I mean dream. I think I'll very much enjoy my stay.
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