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Everything posted by Sehn

  1. I'm just getting back into remixing after ten years, and while I made a very basic mix in another program with limited options, it doesn't allow me to add tracks or do anything fancy. I've so far spent three days messing around on Fruity Loops with nothing to show for it, with the help of three friends. I have several ideas pretty much complete on paper at this point. So here's the story. I load a MIDI into FL. I want to add something into the background. I know where to go to add a channel, but nothing I pick there gives me what I want. I want a channel exactly like my current three, where I can edit the notes and the instruments via the "patch" section on piano roll. Nothing I add or clone will let me have the patch option. What's the magic incantation? (A simpler alternative to FL would also be much appreciated!)
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