Very useful information there and i can tell that you are very familiar with structures and arrangements of music. I have listened to some of your work and was amazed how one can achieve something of such expressivity with simple gears and production system.
Became one of your instant fan after watching your rearrangement of a metroid song ( red brinstar if i am not wrong ) and loved the jazzy vibe. I have subscribed to your channel and can't wait to see more new stuff from you !
Getting back to the topic, the thing that i am totally aware about my tracks is the quality of the arrangement. I suck at doing something that harmonizes well with everything else ( bass, melody, strings, etc. ) and sometimes it is just so frustrating that i would want to stick my head into the sand. I often blame on my incapacity to slickly play a instrument. For instance i have put a lot of my free time into learning to play a real instrument, hoping that it would change something. Going to learn bass guitar because it is the main instrument that defines the whole mood or orientation of the song.
But i am there is long road ahead to walk to recover from what i didn't learn in my childhood : being classically trained. But through all that trying-to-do-something-nice-but-always-fails-to state, i have developed that capacity to at least identify the scale of the source and their respective melodic content.
Now for the conclusion, i would like to ask if there is anything that i could do improve my capacity to arrange/rearrange a song from scrap efficiently ? Any books, materials to recommend ?
Sorry for such a long and boring text.
Big Hug,