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Everything posted by MikeNorvak

  1. Lee Jackson - Okinowa [Norvak's Chinese Rave remix] Hi everyone, here is my remix to the main theme from the classic FPS Shadow Warrior. By legend Lee Jackson, creator of the highly acclaimed Duke Nukem theme "Grabbag" For download on FLAC and OGG formats: http://www.mikenorvak.com/downloads/Mike_Norvak_-_OkinawaRMX_-_www.mikenorvak.com_-_2013.rar Or MP3: http://soundcloud.com/mikenorvak/lee-jackson-okinowa Hope you enjoy it
  2. Maybe this could help
  3. Hi everyone. This is Mike Norvak again after some months off and here's my new remix to Shadow Warrior main theme. Hope you enjoy it!!!
  4. MIKE NORVAK - NOVA COLLAPSE (ORIGINAL CBP8 MIX) Hi there! I've just finished a new original track specially created for a Community Build Project by the DN3D and EDuke32 port modding community wich also I participated in http://forums.duke4.net/topic/5632-cbp-8-metropolitan-starlight-release/ You have to check it out: http://msdn.duke4.net/hotcbp8.php Here's the track: Hope you enjoy it and share!! Feedback and complains are always acepted P.S. ---> REDUKED ATOMIC EDITION: mhhhh yeah, it is already finished, and it's coming soon... this time sooner than you think!!
  5. A demo track of my upcoming Reduked Episode 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvP_nLyZ7Es Feedback are always acepted. In case someone has not heard the first episode: http://brandonblume.com/games/reduked.rar
  6. I added a new link in the first post. Just an improved version of this, it's almost identical but it sounds better imo...
  7. This is my new remix from Sonic & Knuckles: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjwN-oWbj-Q Hope you enjoy it!!!
  8. Thanks guy!!!!s.. Sorry for not to frequent this site. Well i changed the link for the download, no more mirrors. BTW u should visit my youtube channel, it is: http://www.youtube.com/user/MikeNorvak with the best reduked themes and more duke related stuff... Look forwards for Reduked Episode II !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Hi everyone, i´m new in this site. I´m a trance music producer from mexico and of course a 3D Realm´s Duke NUkem 3D fan. I just finished a LP "Reduked". A ten track project with revisited versions of Duke Nukem 3D soundtrack byLee Jackson on various stlyles. This work borns from my passion for music and fanaticism for Duke Nukem game. It took me about 3/4 months, since conception, song selection, to production and art design. I choose the most atractive songs, and put them together in an epic musical travel throught DN Universe. Download @ : www.mikenorvak.com/audio/Mike_Norvak_-_REDUKED_-_WEB_-_2010.zip All tracks in 320 kbps quality!!!! Hope u enjoy it!!!
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