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  1. Thanks for your input, I changed it up and took the swing off of the drums. I totally forgot I put swing on the drums but neglected to do the same with the other instruments. Plus I wanted to keep the remix kinda in the same field as the original which was a simple loop. Just figured I'd just add a few change ups, but nothing extreme. Heres the new version... http://soundcloud.com/sauceisacoolkid/sauce-fonda-sea-breeze-fail-adventure-island-remix
  2. Hi guys, this is my first remix I've ever done to a video game. For some odd reason I've been playing Adventure Island alot lately and the song for the second stage has been stuck in my head. So I decided to do a remix of it, tell me what you guys think! http://soundcloud.com/sauceisacoolkid/sauce-fonda-sea-breeze-fair-adventure-island-remix
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