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Posts posted by MikeSkizzle

  1. I call this one Echos of Eternity (Djentstep)

    ■ Final Fantasy 7

    ■ Prelude

    ■ Playstation

    ■i tried to submit a song before but i guess it was reject :( this is my new submission!

    fresh from the daw! i hope its added so i can join the ranks of many remixers!

    Making this song i was started with a curiouiosity what the main arps would sound like with a synth instead of a normal harp, so i was messing around with that originally. After painstakingly mapping out on a piano roll, i decided to move on to another track for the melody over top. from there i kept layering tracks with small tidbits until i got to drums and bass, and kinda went all out with it incorporating Prog metal influenced Polyrhythmatic patterns. I then layered on the bass, with this bouncy yet kind of heavy bass line syncopated with the kick of the drums.

    Hope everyone enjoys it!

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