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Posts posted by LugiaDialga

  1. I feel like the biggest issue with your track right now is that it's too short. The intro takes up far too much of the track, although it feels like the right length.

    A few tips for making it sound more "full":

    Try layering a soft low kick under the hardstyle one to give it more depth. Compression would help quite a bit here, just don't overdo it.

    For the bass, you could try to add in a sub/sine bass playing the same notes as your current bass, and a saw playing an octave above what you already have. For bass, I personally find that it can be good to apply compression fairly liberally.

    Maybe some simple pads or keys. They should be just quite enough that you don't initially notice them, but even then, they'll add a lot of depth.

    Having a second lead later in the song won't make the soundscape more full, but will make the track more detailed.

    Experiment with whatever sounds you have. Be it orchestral strings, synths, whatever. Just pop them intro the track, and see if they fit.

    You should definitely work on EQing as well. That will make a world of difference. Add a little treble to the leads, and boost the bass for the kick and bass.

    Ahh thank-you, you make plenty of valid points! Thankfully I also had in mind to add the sub bass I just... didn't get to it. Also the song isn't even done yet so that's why it's short, most Hardstyle songs have a longer intro but this certainly is nowhere near being complete just yet. I'll try adding in some of those things and see what happens, hopefully will get an updated Work In Progress posted then at that point!

    Yeah, this sounds like an underdeveloped idea. I can see where you want to go with this, but it's not fully realized yet.

    The piano has some delay effects, but not much low end impact because the sample quality is relatively low or the sequencing doesn't span a wide range of octaves.

    Also, the first main part with a melody past the piano needs a kick drum to keep the track grounded. It feels sparse without an audible kick.

    Ahh yes I agree, the Piano could be replaced with a higher quality sample as it's just a Nexus piano, it probably has a lot of delay on it and that should be turned down a bit. And yeah it's an early WIP of course so there is still lots to do yet! And a kick that early besides just the Tok/Punch should be added you think? I'll try to see what that sounds like. Thanks!

  2. It's still a doodle at this point, plenty to fix up. Especially sine I've not truly sat down yet to actually apply effort into EQ-ing/Mastering yet.

    ANYWAYS, this is my first true attempt at the genre Hardstyle. Probably something that's never been seen here on OCR before, or at least not in a long time most likely.

    I think I will try to work with different lead synths because while these three layer nice enough, I don't think this has a very "Full" sound yet... then again any help on how to get that would be appreciated it along with any other feedbaack~! :3

    Original Source:

    Remix Preview/WIP: http://tindeck.com/listen/zlza

    Note: I had to cut it off there for this version as I'm developing the other part that is to come in at the moment and will respond to any suggestions too for this part

  3. Some techno/trancey remix I've "finished" recently, though I labeled it as Work-in-Progress since I'm dead sure there is plenty more that I could try to do with this thing, thus is why I'm here hoping to get advice from much more musically talented folks. Thank-you in advance for taking a listen to it!

    Remix v.2: http://www.box.com/s/uckg9nhqt9hvjujntsb2

    Remix v.1: http://www.box.com/s/8a10mrtsfet9159941ny


  4. I've not played this game however when I found this song, which is the final boss theme naturally, I was absolutely shocked that something this respectable was hiding there in the game and it's a DS release too so that just blows my mind even more. I tried to transcribe it myself but no can do, it means the job is not for me but rather someone who can tackle this truly amazing soundtrack as it beautifully combines both Orchestral and Electronic elements!

    Game: Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2

    Song: Severing the Chains of Fate (Final Boss)


    Thank-you for your time to read this post, hope that someone does at some time find inspiration from this track! I think it'd be amazing to hear it in some sort of Ambient-ish style but honestly I can see severely genres working for it.

  5. Okay this is my first WIP thread ever posted here, another thing is that I'm here to learn about many aspects of remixing and such so obviously I'm NOT looking for this to be something sent to judges as obviously learning comes first. But anyways, I'm just looking to improve my 'skills' if you will, by getting help and feedback and what not from you guys. Oh and I use FL Studio 9.0 for this and some VSTs such as Nexus.

    Oh and feel free to help come up with a name for this remix seeing as how I'm not creative at them, thank-you!

    There are some things I know I want to do to this mix seeing how this is basically all build-up on this 1st preview. I want to:

    • Add original lead
    • Change the key
    • Add various 'breakdowns' of sorts

    Original Song (HQ Video):

    Version 1.0 stats.png

  6. Hello everybody who is reading this message, I am LugiaDialga. I started making remixes for fun about 1-year ago and posted them on Youtube. I've been getting better over this year long period of time but I have come here to try and strive for even more skills of greatness, to learn from the best is my only mission.

    But hey, everyone here starts from some early stage, so perhaps OCR shall provide the things I need to become a good remixer!

    Anyways now onto more of the stuff I do. I use FL Studio 9.0 with several good VSTs but acquiring more plugins and programs would be acceptable if it shall help me.

    I hope to make many friends here who all share this one thing in common: we make remixes for the heck of it and have fun doing so.

    I do not mind random PMs of hello, so do feel free to drop one by! :mrgreen:

  7. It could just be me or my earphones but it sounds like all the sound is focused in the center with only small reverbed notes expanding to the left or right slightly. I think if you added more panning or stereo separation that might help, though I'm not sure how far you want to take those effect into play anyhow.

    Otherwise, the transitions were stung together soo well in my opinion and added a nice flowing feel to the song. I do not have a great ear for details like this but everything as far as Velocity and Volume and EQ sounded okay to me. Great work as usual TGH!

    Oh and hahaha this is also my first post, how luck are you buddy that I used it on you? xD

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