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  1. This is the one that I already have, when I add mcsf2 to a channel its just the one piano-syth-ish sound. I'd like all the sounds that were used for the game music, if possible. Thanks
  2. I've been googling like mad, but I can't find anything. The closest I get is Minish Cap midi files. ...and also my FLStudio has decided to slip into demo mode and not let me save files. ..ah, well.
  3. Thanks, I found some Minish Cap sound files & midis but I'm not having any luck finding actual soundfont files http://www.zophar.net/music/gsf/zelda-the-minish-cap.html Thanks,
  4. Hi everyone. I hope my question isn't too loaded or a waste of anyone's time but; I'm experimenting around with FL Studio, completely lost for now, but starting to figure stuff out. I have experience making music with loop-based software, so that is helping. Anyways, I'm making a short film and I want to score it with music that sounds similar to what you would hear from a Gameboy Advance system. This song from Minnish Cap is kind of what I'm going for: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LC3lSGqFd2U ...I'm not wanting to mimic the melody, but more that sound. I like how the bassline sounds 'fuzzy' and there is a very low hissing sound overall. I find this with most GBA games & for some reason I really like this feel it gives to the music. Anyways my question is really how would I be able to emulate these kinds of sounds using FL Studio? I'm hoping someone has done something similar & could maybe point me in the right direction. Thanks!
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