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Friend Tim

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  1. (Original post edited: has new version) Did a major overhaul of the piece. Got rid of the arpeggios, stuck to a New Order and Moroder inspired bass-line, stripped down most of the instrumentation, kept it short and sweet. The familiar melody is transposed (initially) to a major one before going into the standard minor one. It is a little more kitschy this time (but not parodic, I think...).
  2. Best. Crit. EVER. Seriously, I love you guys. It might even be more amusing to have the voice actually say "Bend Over", thus sending it head-long into 80s Men Without Hats goofiness. But with rape. I was listening a little more closely to it and I was contemplating making it even more synth-y and more Kraftwerk-y. "KWERKY" if you will?
  3. "J-NVA CR-DMX LM-78 AKAI" Re-arrangement: FIRST draft: http://soundcloud.com/timotayo/j-nva-cr-dmx-lm-78-akai Revision: http://soundcloud.com/timotayo/j-nva-cr-dmx-lm-78-akai-second Source: EDIT (03-15-2011): new version posted! Changes detailed in later post... I decided with this one to go in an entirely different direction: 80s synth-pop and Euro-Disco, complete with analog pads and old drum machine sounds. I made a conscious effort to make it sound like Gino Soccio, New Order, and Giorgio Moroder but still unique, with sparkly keyboards going up and down, vocoded voices and speech synthesis. That being said, the source is used very liberally, allowing room for the rest of the piece which is a straight-up pop-electro-disco track. Contemplating submitting this...
  4. SOURCE: ARRANGEMENT: http://soundcloud.com/timotayo/castle-brittania-5000xx I had this game in my old NES catalogue and stuff. But that is besides the point: I tried to go a more trip-hop/dub/electronica route this time... somewhat less retro, though it is still there, I believe. So here you go. It travels places. I hope I can get some feed-back. I might submit, but we will wait and see...
  5. source: Arrangement: http://soundcloud.com/timotayo/mr-x-and-the-stereo-scopic My remix of the Mr. X level theme from Megaman 6. I decided to go for a very experimental and loose style; more down-tempo and ambient than before but still very present. It is still kind of 60s, 70s with bits of dub and electronic. The melody is scattered and spread throughout as I did not want to do a direct transcription of the rhythm, melody, etcetera... So there you go. It is finished in the sense that it is a complete song. But I might change it further and add the melody in more. I am not sure.
  6. I heed your advice and will polish this one up a lot more.
  7. (Updated!) Remix: http://soundcloud.com/timotayo/the-tropical-milky-galactic source: Edit (02-26-2011) - Remastered the track, fixed some instrumentation. Overall it's a lot more evened out and less flamboyant. Playing with more and more synths, breakbeats, layers, and funky/R&B/chiptune/soul sounds. Again, being very liberal with the source, though how liberal does one go before it veers off into new territory? I do not know...
  8. new thing: http://soundcloud.com/timotayo/the-traversing-teknikolour-party-rainbow-road-remix source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vtz-40AjwOM This is a pretty well known one. I decided to go a more disco/soul route with this one mixed with chip-tune pop and eighties synth textures, creating a sort of folding time warp. Plus I think the song is very interesting. The mastering is a little rough but I will fix that later. For now, what do you think?
  9. "The NEW THING moon-groove" http://soundcloud.com/timotayo/the-new-thing-moon-groove-ducktales-moon-remix Still tweaking some things here and there. I feel that overall there it is only loosely faithful, but I suppose that is alright. What say you people? What is your feedback?
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