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8 Bit Cosmonaut

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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Nolan Doktor

Artist Settings

  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
    Synthesis & Sound Design

8 Bit Cosmonaut's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Thank you for catching that! I should have checked this mix with headphones. I'm considering doing a few minor alterations and making this song a finished work, does anyone have other suggestions for improvement?
  2. Well, after about 2 months of delay and a few "minor" changes, I have finally got a revision of this song I am satisfied with. The older version is still on my Soundcloud page for comparison. I have a few other projects I would like to start, so if you like my music you can follow me on Facebook for any updates. http://soundcloud.com/8-bit-cosmonaut/bowsers-wrong-castle-1 http://www.facebook.com/pages/8-Bit-Cosmonaut/255539001130645 Thank you to everyone on here for your excellent advice and I look forward to posting more awesome video game music in the future.
  3. Update: Im sorry for the delayed reply, my internet has been down for awhile. Thank you to everyone who left feedback. I am currently working on revising the song to be less of a combination of musical ideas and giving it more structure. I also have fixed most of the clipping and panning concerns, I believe, and I am working on extending the song and adding rhythmic variation to the drum patterns. Hopefully I will get back to you guys with the updated song soon but I am finding it difficult to find time to produce between school and work so it may be awhile.
  4. This was my take on the final boss theme in super Mario 64. It was done entirely in Reason 4 and I tried to incorporate ingame sounds whenever possible. I never felt like this was 100% done but I wanted to start new projects. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Hey all, I am new to this site and I thought I would share my latest remix with you guys to listen to and give me some feedback on. I don't think many people are familiar this game so this is the original song I based my arrangement around: And this is the Remix: http://soundcloud.com/8-bit-cosmonaut/samurai-zombie-nation-theme-8-bit-cosmonaut-remix For this mix I was going for something upbeat and danceable with a little bit of a hardstyle feel. There wasn't much in the original to work with but managed to use some of the main lines to set a motif for the rest of the song. I had a ton of fun playing this game with friends and had as much fun creating this mix so I hope you guys enjoy it. Leave as much criticism as you can. It isn't 100% but I feel that, with some work, this song has potential.
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