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Synth Always

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Everything posted by Synth Always

  1. This is Synth Always, a brand new composer whose ambition is to be a real composer for computer games, when he grows up. go ahead and visit my YouTube channel, in which you'll find my first compositions: http://www.youtube.com/user/SynthAlways?feature=mhum it'll be updated with new work each Saturday, i hope. some of the work is really bad, and some of it is excellent (as for my taste, at least), but the tracks are versatile and each track sounds different. therefore i suggest you focus on hearing these tracks: Plains Of Serenity (european) Sitara Petroleum Sinai (arabic...?) Ambulance ...and then comment and tell me your opinion. I'll be glad to hear about how these can be improved, and what i should experiment more. don't be afraid to tell me what my weak points are, cause I'm a beginner and i have to start learning. I'm using Reason, so my drums sets sound bad and i have no real audio records. i also don't have an external sound driver, so i didn't play in any of the tracks, even MIDI notes. have fun!
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